Nah let people keep their smurfs private. Sometimes when you log on you dont want everyone knowing who you are.
Smurf are fucking dumb and if i was leading this game i will ban block every smurf account and force peoples to use one.
First of all this game is like death, you cant let peoples smurf because it kill it more, you guys need to force people to reveal there true identity so peoples can see there alot of regular player online.
By allowing smurf your just letting this game die.
And there also the fact of peoples who smurf for braggin after wins.
Take by exemple swagier the coward, who abuse of the ladder with his european friend and braviet.
And when you call him out on the forum to force a 1v1 he smurf you like a little bitch because he cant just imagine and stand the fact of losing on his real account.
So people who smurfs you actually know who you are but also know your strategie and everything, while you dont fucking know nothing about the guy your facing.
Then if you beat him, hes gonna die like a piece of shit and nobody will never know you beat him.
But if he beat you he will be the first to brag about those smurf victory against you.
Peoples who smurf or just fucking cowards.
Especially in tournament, its even more worst.