i have the ability to "pause" the advertisement ... right now i have it set up to run for 1 week. I can change how the ad runs though. I can pause it right now if i want, then adjust the AD so that it only runs for 1 or 2 days.
i wonder if i should pause it tomorrow morning, then resume it maybe thursday or friday for only 1 or 2 days
i think what would happen is instead of spacing the advertisements out over a week time frame, it would just "mass attack" all of the targeted people in 1-2 days.... i wonder if this would be a good strategy. time it so everyone sees the advertisement close to the weekend so we will get a mass showing of new users saturday/sunday. one possible benefit to that is it would give iL time to test the hosting fix and get the kinks worked out so if we did get a "flood" of new users on the weekend, hosting might be resolved? ...