Holy fuck dude. Get a fucking life.
Yes he needs one!! His education failed him glad I stopped at certs LOL!!!! Don't want to end up like him.
1. PMs me
2. Uses my name on discord.
3. Mentions me in every post, thread.
4. Got banned for spamming my topics, sections of forums I moderate.
5. Sends me pms to my Tapatalk so I just unistalled that shit.
6. I even ddosed his skid ass and he used back up ISP LOL!!! My home connection took down his fucking hotspot LOOOOOOOL!!!!!!! Like wtf service you got bro?
7. He claims he dresses well but it looks like his grandmother walked around goodwill for 5 hours picking all the dress clothes. Too bad its a well known picture on the net.... reverse image search it.
8. Thinks he's popular on a war2 forum that's dying because for some reason he's allowd to post here and everyone is tired of reading his shit posts.
9. Good job della you really know how to kill peoples motivation hope you learn to program and once you get something compiled shove it up your ass and die with war2.
10. West side bitch! That's why I fuck your bitch you fat mother fucker! Tupacs out!