You do realize that a proper ELO implementation wont have a rating anywhere near 2000 let alone 6000+. The best chess players in the world rarely achieve 2800+. The sc2 link looks more like a better implementation than that of iccup, whoever, rung style (AKA cases/igl style) can achieve the same results with lower populations and less math. And there is no such thing as a "series" in an ELO world. You simply grind until you're at the top. You dont even have to play the top 5 players to take the #1 spot and that is just retarded. This is why rung style IMO clips ELO's fancy schmancy algorithms. ELO was not really invented to determine who is #1. It was created to determine who MIGHT win. Thus, it should NOT be used as a ranking method and instead should be used as a MATCH MAKING statistic. That's where Blizzard goes wrong. It uses it for ranks as well as match making and that's improper use of the ELO system.