Author Topic: Is there anyone who is knowledgable/has experience enough with stratagus/wargus?  (Read 10827 times)

Offline Erenussocrates

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I'm sorry I know that this is not the right place, but I couldn't find a contact email or something with the stratagus or wargus developers :( And also I had thought because this is the best place to ask anything related to warcraft 2, so.
I'll describe my problem if there would be anyone willing to help.

Offline shesycompany

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not really, i have it though..the version i have somewhere is ipx so its playable with other people.

they have a forum.

there is even a stratagus rts game in steam :o wyrmsun
« Last Edit: August 01, 2016, 10:45:31 AM by easycompany »

Offline Erenussocrates

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Yeah, I know about wyrsum. Bought it, it didn't click with me though. Btw, what is that wargus/stratagus forum?

Offline shesycompany

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Well that sucks, I don't think I'll ever be able to resolve my issue then, at least not unless if someone here could help me.

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What is your issue that would better help.

Offline Erenussocrates

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I've found out about wargus and downloaded it a month or so ago, and I was immediately captivated by it's features. And it looked more moddable than how bne currently is too. You remember my first topic here in this forum? I've asked about changing the stats of some units globally, meaning that it would affect all the maps, including campaigns. This is literally something you can do by tweaking the ini file of wargus. That was literally what I had wanted bne had. It's amazing.
But unfortunately this is not everything I needed. I want to be able to edit the campaign maps too. Now, again I can open .sms files in the campaign folder using notepad, and I assume that it represents the physical appearance of a map, but then again, it looks something like this on notepad:

Soo, yeahh. It's almost like the machine language for a warcraft map editor lol. I could maybe somehow try to decipher it by myself, but then again... It's just way too intimidating and hard to do, plus there really isn't a guarantee that I could succeed if I tried to understand it, neither.
So what I'm asking is, is there a way to open campaign maps and change them, using an editor, and put them back to wargus campaign without messing up the triggers when it comes to Wargus/stratagus? I know that this is something we couldn't do in vanilla warcraft.
Btw, I tried copying & pasting the .smp/.sms campaign files to the custom game folder. And while I can play them just like the normal campaign with triggers, I cannot open them in wargus' built-in map editor. At first, it gives the mission briefing, as if I'm playing the mission lol. And then it just freezes when mission briefing is done. So I dunno how I could do this. Do you have an idea how to accomplish what I wanted to do?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2016, 04:34:09 PM by Erenussocrates »

Offline shesycompany

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u may can try this .....edit the dos war2 first ...then let wargus extract its data and maybe it will be good to go! gl! (using wardraft extract the mission puds and put back in)

but idk man  ive not seen your work u using dos or bne in the camps u have created?

all of war2 mods is from wargus that i know of.

im sure wargus does have some triggers for ease of use..maybe the forum will come back on.

how are you currently doing your camps? doswar2 + dosbox to me that seems easier than doing wargus.

(i downloaded your hard btdp)
yeah just .puds!!

for people around here that like doing single player or 2 player coop (i do) your just not gonna beat bnet idk why vc is that important.unless your making a 2d hots.... :(

the answer to tweaking units globally unitdated editor can save a configuration of one map and apply it to other maps.

so can war2exed map editor.

Modifications may be apply is the engine stratagus (C++) or in game wargus (lua)
depending of hat you want to do.

We have some "doc" that "explain" functions (lua and C++) with some outdated stuff :-/

So ask specific question (which domain do you want to modify ? ui, ai, units, sound, ...).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- search/ask  here man
« Last Edit: August 01, 2016, 06:05:39 PM by easycompany »

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Dump that into a for me so I can examine it. Looks very simple from that screen shot. You can actually see the code and how wargus reads it.

SetTile (x,y,tile,tile left) ?
Seems very straight forward?

I wonder if you do not see the unit settings on the map side. I think you can because that would be stupid not too.

Offline Erenussocrates

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Here it is:

This is the map for beyond the dark portal human last mission. I didn't find it too easy to be read. I want to place some units or change their places/remove them without messing with the campaign triggers. I hope I can do it.

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Here it is:

This is the map for beyond the dark portal human last mission. I didn't find it too easy to be read. I want to place some units or change their places/remove them without messing with the campaign triggers. I hope I can do it.

Toward the bottom around line 9267

Local unit
unit = CreateUnit("unit-ogre", 6, {23, 82})
Creates orge for player 6 at x and y coordinates.

There it is! I didn't see how to change unit stats maybe that's deep into wargus engines code. Maybe there is a unit stats, unit data file to edit???

Try to change the health, attack, etc. Then convert that map into a wargus map with the converter. See if there is any new functions like orgestats (800, 10,4,7) <-- just example

I don't know if it would look like that just guessing.

Offline Erenussocrates

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@tupac, don't worry, I've found out how to edit the unit stats in an another ini file. Though it affects all the maps globally, not just one map. But it's fine by me for now. Thanks for telling me about that create unit command, it really will help a lot.

Offline Erenussocrates

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tupac, there is an unexpected problem. I try to update the mission 12 folder, but winrar says, I can only make updates to the .rar and .zip archives. The campaign archives do look like rar, but they have .gz extension.

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@tupac, don't worry, I've found out how to edit the unit stats in an another ini file. Though it affects all the maps globally, not just one map. But it's fine by me for now. Thanks for telling me about that create unit command, it really will help a lot.

tupac, there is an unexpected problem. I try to update the mission 12 folder, but winrar says, I can only make updates to the .rar and .zip archives. The campaign archives do look like rar, but they have .gz extension.

Try to use that or a linux machine to open those archives.

Offline Erenussocrates

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Heheh okay I got it working now, thanks. I didn't need the program though, I just needed to extract the .sms file and keep it there without putting it back in x'D Seems it does overwrite the one inside the archive.