Tupac bro , chill out
Put the gun down bro
We're here to help you
We don't want another massacre in emerica.
This is the problem in emerica , the mentally unstable ( like lando ) get a gun and ....
Just chill tupac
We're all friends
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Damn dellam it would be a shame if you called a bomb threat at the nearest church around you and the swat team busted in your doors. o.0 or maybe you got showed up on war2 forums and took it out on your family and wanted to kill them? Think about what I just said.
Wow just wow . I don't know what to say .
Just shows the emerican education system failed you again . U don't even make sense
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I'm not the one swallowing my own spit as I type. They are comming dellam get ready. I heard foil over your head will help you.
Was up all night waiting for the swat team to travel from the USA all the way to Australia because lando called them in .
I was quite surprised to wake up this morning in good health and surprisingly without the swat team at my door .
Poor old delirious tupac . Living in a dream world with his broken brain
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