I'm Ishmokin and was a fan of the original war2 back in the day. We played very scrubby and only on a casual level.
I create games in the server named noob Gow or scrub Gow. Been getting some awesome replays of getting my ass handed to me by the vets!
I used BNET Insight tool to record the games for the first time and its been great! This will be the key to my improvement and gradually departure from scrubdom! haha!
First time I witnessed a build where he sealed 11 oclock by farms, then built a lumber mill and a watch tower at the entrance. Then built another Hall, and was just producing nothing but peons. then he teched up to get blood lust then proceeded to kill me.
Is that what's called a dual hall build? I always assumed a dual hall was a fast expand. Guess not. hehe.
Anyways, you can find m as Ishmoks or Ishmokin on Steam. I live in South East Asia, Hong Kong Time.
Hope to get some games with you all! cheers!