1500 "08"
01 00 08 08
1 sparkles
2 buildings
3 buildings
4 ships? 5 orc sounds
6 buildings 7
8 seems normal
9 seems nrmal orc sounded death
a building
b can attack building
c ship??
d ship??
e bulding and is sub
f buiding crashes no good
01 00grunt/foot death
02canon death
03 cannon death
06 05 04 07explosion
08- unknown
08 and thers unknown takes out cpu
00'00'<--- 2nd
1 townhall
2 unkown
3 is towhnhall
4 balista
5 ballisata and townhall
6 is a sub
01 can get gold same reapir alt 1
02 unknown
03 can get gold same repair alt 1
04 kinda transporty "buggY"
05 transporty goldpeon buggyy
06 oil tanker transporty buggy
07 peon transport buggy
08-sea?? building blocked
09 same 08
all i got on this part now.
so lets say you want to make a scouttower townhall
it would be whatver its main building is 20 or a0 etc keep it standard as i was running wild hexes.
a0 10 00* 00* *still researching here.
that would be a scout tower that accepts gold and lumber.
01 10 08 08 would be a unit that accepts gold and lumber.
a compatable unit for a transport ## 04 ## ## would make it work except it bugs >.<
these lets the units get on and out anywhere.
will mess with the transport itself when i get back.
using a unit as a building uses no food but they will run straight up and crash the game if they get to the top.
trying to exploit that also but
ill add to this list when i get to it or whoever is messing with it.