quake live still terrible in war2
<-----a way to make grp's from spritesheets--->
make it 256 color.!!
find the black we got to save it for shadows,if they have it and replace the black in the sprite.
http://i65.tinypic.com/2holb15.jpgit gets changed to 20,20,20 in the .pal, usually the first or 2nd black.
http://i67.tinypic.com/j9lkox.jpgdump the bg in black 0,0,0
http://i68.tinypic.com/2qu6har.jpgapply your war2 .pal
now save it as a .png cause psp .bmp will fug stuff up!! we are heading to gamemaker*to make our sprites in order to be ripped!
*****************COULDNT LEAVE PSP
even though a hassel my sprite to use has to has its tools......*******
1.right click sprite in the left side make new sprite.....open it and put the sprite sheet as sprite and edit it.be a whole nother paint program way simplier than psp
http://i68.tinypic.com/ih7jbr.png2. here i transformed and enlarged canvas 300% need some room!
u can use whatever paint program to get your sprites in order and size and color, gamemaker can but its not fast in that part*
http://i66.tinypic.com/jrfm9x.pngso after that detour of picking a shitty sprite to work with heres what i got
its good to have a peon sprite open to see the size difference*
heading to sprite sheet ripper and its rules.
1.click in order WALK/ATTACK/DEATH
now heading to gamemaker and getting superkeys ready!
http://i67.tinypic.com/28aryp4.jpggonna turn that box into a universal 72x72 for our sprites to use
http://i65.tinypic.com/n1uypl.jpg delete teh box and now we got some miscolors from ASU click on a image use gamemaker's-> to cycle thru them and black if this happens.... first time so many :/ may had sprites to close :O
http://i67.tinypic.com/231jip.jpg now u get superkeys ready with macro ......(mine is 69 :0 supposed be 64 sprites for peons and orges) dont even worry about it the .ral is all that matters here.
i always assign my hotkey as somethign that wont be used !!!! "~-="
press that button when it looks like mine...u got around 1 minute till it complets.
more like 30 secs
ok now we need a grunt compatable .ral use retro to dump the units somewhere and copy the .ral!
and theres our little munchkin small and not team colored!!! next episode "Working with Our Master Spritesheet"
my winmpq is miss a required file lolol figures....get tupacs one he pasted or just redownload winmpq
if u could find the mlp stratagus load up there sprites, that be even more of a easier way
been meaning to but me eyes
buildings and cats ships dont even need a macro just make u one that when u press goes to save as and overwrite.