i dont think im gonna mess with the units..no 1 square is still small as i can go for now.
may enlarge the townhall and barracks a little idk yet ..
oh there is a way to make them "smaller".
big maps im thinking wargus would be the better one to use.
itll be just for fun anyhow.
----ill post the patch soon as i get them shrunk ;p staying 1x1
and add from it there...
i may be to much of a drunk to ever finish loool townhall is missing cause of a test :/ was trying to half the box but always results in it gone
showing off that sexy gold mine also
--humans are done!
--towers may not be able to shrink as they are some kind of unit?? crashing.
found the problem!
mages and dk's may be a must
yellow dot is center of townhall to gold mine
28 peons 2 stopped ..townhall is in bad pos (the prob with the peon and foot sprites is they are off center....from otehr test
forgot the shipyard
and church color is bad as i had to go back and replace cause i wasnt using psp
wanted to try to shrink the units some but hell of a time self centering...as longer process
...with the units shrunk some it will actually turn out pretty dam good lol
slower game speed to size ratio crank up the build time to ef shit yeah!
(that peon was extreme lol)
less sight and range
slower game speed slower lumber adjust the cost man dude this can be done!!!
puled it off!!! and now i can make grps fast as shit!
they successfully make f feel ef and ef fastest!
only thing dks mages are gonna be even more op
ships gonna have to learn tighter formation or going back to the air! bliz may have me blocked
not having shitty units!
but proves the object is predetermined!who ever scorpion is thx for the editor
there is a way around this dot dot dot ....... oh yeah using the peasent 72 1 race war!(till someone wants to mess with the exe)
oh god now 72 is carashing
idk what is wrong and main pc hit the dust lol on my old lappy!
taking a break!
keeping it 2 races, vanilla