Download installer: , install it into war2combat folder.
It will overwrite install.exe file.
Since this installer size is 7,2 Mb, install.exe size will be 104Mb.
This program is just a test, so it will overwrite your install.exe and will not not restore it after uninstallation. You should reinstall combat if you want to remove that music.
How it works:
It gets midi music ( and converts it into wav-files, then packs into mpq-archive called install.exe.
That could take a lot of time (several minutes), but makes good quality wavs on your local computer using software midi instruments.
- unfortunately midi archive contains only 4 soundtracks (instead of 6 integrated into war2bne), so i had to skip missed soundtracks.
- though these are the same melodies, they sounds different than wavs in original war2bne. Because musical instruments in Blizzard sound card and my software were different. So let's try this music and compare it to original music if you have one.
This idea is based on this thread:,389.0.htmlWaiting for your reports.
My thought was to go this way and to add this music into next combat if quality will be fair.