Patches & Modifications
NewSpell Patch - for version 1.33, designed by Ogre-Wolf
This patch gives Ogre-Mages the exorcism spell, and makes mages undead, and gives Paladins death and decay, with modified graphics.
Spell Patch - for version 1.33
A very simple patch, this makes it so that spells commands are still there for a group of spell-casters. So you can get 9 death knights to cast death and decay at the same spot at the same time :-) This does make spell-casters more powerful and unbalances the game somewhat, but it is more fun and it should be possible to rebalance it if you are doing it for a TC. And it would also be possible to make it so that spells that are inappropriate for group casting could be unable to do that, you never really want to have 9 mages cast invisibility on the same unit.
Assassin Patch 1.01- for version 1.33
This patch contains a WCD file and a PAT, so you need WarHack and WCM to use it. It adds in a new unit, the Elder Assassin from Brian Sawatsky's New Heroes modification. This probably won't stay here forever, it is almost a meg, so if you want to put it on your site just let me know. 1.01 fixed it so that the Elder Assassin doesn't sink when he dies.
New Units 0.9 - for any version
This is a 278 file and default UDTA that makes it so that the orc and human units are actually different. For example, the Grunts have more hits than footman, but they also attack slower and have less armor. I think the balance was probably screwed up, so any suggestions are welcome. This version doesn't change the heroes, but later versions will. Also I will probably change the EXE for later versions, I hope to give Death Knights a Summon Daemon spell and make it so that the Mage Tower shoots lightning at flying units. Any comments would be appreciated. To use it just import new_278 into slot 278 in maindat.war, and new_udta in slot 472 if you have the expansion, or slot 0 if you don't. I haven't checked in except in version 1.33, let me know if you have problems with other versions. When you use it, make sure you are on a pud that uses the default UDTA.
Wall Patch v2.0 - for version 1.33
Lets you build walls in single player, and makes it so the computer attacks them. To do this, I switched the Dark Portal and Runestone to behave like walls, and have the peasant build these instead, which makes the wall look much worse than the real ones, but I couldn't find a way to make the computer recognize the walls otherwise. To use, run WarHack's exepatch to patch the exe, and use WCM on the campaign data file.
Daemon Patch v2.0 - for version 1.33
Much superior to the earlier version, instead of making the Eye of Kilrogg behave like a daemon it makes it so that the daemon is the unit summoned, instead of the Eye.