That's my issue. We'll find out when we practice, TK, but I'm wondering if I'll be able to withstand playing a map over and over that has such a limited skill set long enough so that I get into a pattern and have some form of muscle memory down so that I am quicker than blowgol.
The problem is that it has such a limited amount of skills, and within those skills a limited learning curve for each. Because of this, I am unable to fully employ my incomparably superior skill set, and I am instead subject to dumbing myself down to try to match the muscle memory / repetition of someone whos played a skill-less map thousands of times. A map with such a minuscule amount of strategy, that the only relevant difference between two players is which has greater reaction time. It's like playing Burnt on Free Castles. He's not even necessarily faster than you overall, nor more strategical (obviously strategy is almost entirely non-existent in free castles, yet still substantially more that of what pball has), he's just been doing things long enough that he has shit down to muscle memory and that's the only thing he needs to beat a better player at it.