did you know before modern society, we had two options. Socialism or Monarchs. In both systems, one person or a few burecrats dictated where materials would be used. And for the record, the real definition of economics is: The organized management of where materials will be used in a society. As I was saying. Before modern society, each society had a very small populace. Due to this, centralized control made sense. But in a modern society, with millions of people, centralized control is Impossible. Not impossible in a sense were you can't MAKE IT WORK with MILLIONS of economists working on one portion of the economy, but this is totally ineffective regardless. The point i'm trying to make, is our founding fathers UNDERSTOOD economics better than almost any other group of people in the history of mankind. How and why? Because people were actually EDUCATED back then, not like our joke of "school" in todays societies. Captalism is the uber economic system. It is COMPLETELY unchallenged and it is the NEWEST system in the history of mankind. You do not understand what it's like outside of a free market. You were born and raised in the United States, and you make a captalist's living and are living the American Dream. So again, i reiterate, " I don't adhere to American economics" is so ridiculous.