I actually do "know Warcraft" you are just making assumptions. I have played Warcraft 2 since 1998, I played BNEs and the lot from 1998-2002. That I choose to play a different type of map within a video game has nothing to do with empathy. If you are so emotionally messed up that video games mean that much to you, I guess sure you can feel empathy for me. I do not want to be good at BNE's or play them I have no desire, RPGs and PBall are the map I play and it's all a video game. The point of a video game is to relax and have fun. Feel some empathy for the kids who are starving and countless people dying in wars, sad fucker lol.
Blid: It's more of a challenge map or "race" map like from the old days of Warcraft 2. In those days people would make maps to challenge each other and test their skills. Most RPGs I play are much more complex, but yes by the simplest definition it does fit as an RPG.