Author Topic: has antihack caught anyone?  (Read 52656 times)

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #75 on: September 10, 2015, 12:34:21 PM »
yeah. winchester = dodger, equinox = dodger, stupid headless chickens running around and challenging each other to 1's. Challenging is for the big boys who are not afraid to play the damn game

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #76 on: September 10, 2015, 12:35:34 PM »

yeah. winchester = dodger, equinox = dodger, stupid headless chickens running around and challenging each other to 1's. Challenging is for the big boys who are not afraid to play the damn game

Right, means a lot coming from the idiot who admitted to purposely hacking on the server.

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #77 on: September 10, 2015, 12:35:37 PM »
You wouldn't play him even if he logged on with antihack and played with no watchers, right?  Since you dodge swift you can't complain if Winchester dodges you.  Y'all a bunch of dodgers

Where the fuck did you see i dodge, i just tell you close the clients and i will play him.. Im not winchester, im not dodging peoples, did i have really dodge someone dude?? Everyone know equinox dont cares to win or lose anyway, i have never dodge nobody, the fact is, i will play swift right now, but playing swift right now his making a gift to you and your hacking server.

Equinox have no time to make you gift at you are any dumb admins on this server, the truth is i prefere to see your server dead instead to help you.
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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #78 on: September 10, 2015, 12:38:43 PM »
EQ I get off work at 6 PM PST
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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #79 on: September 10, 2015, 12:40:35 PM »
You wouldn't play him even if he logged on with antihack and played with no watchers, right?  Since you dodge swift you can't complain if Winchester dodges you.  Y'all a bunch of dodgers

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #80 on: September 10, 2015, 12:41:25 PM »
Equinox, I've never used jordan/joe as a crutch not to play you, and I won't now. So, I'll have AH on and no watchers - what is your next excuse?

P.S - There's no way I am only 4-2 vs you. You're a scrub, and guys like you never manage to win more than occasional game vs me and only if I am taking it easy on you.

Yes you did, everyfucking time, joe and jordan did the same too, your all cheater typer and your all americans using different client version.

Do you remember that time you spell build hack me?? It was a nice way to cancel that game you where losing by saying it was a joke... Do you remember that game against spb where everyone was saying SPB is better then me, and because i was winning you type him and other players told me.. Since ten years you dont like me because i was beating your calveries ass on gow F bt net , you own goal since all these years is trying to make me look bad, if you need to dodge, hack, type or switch account with someone you will do it, youve never been a man, you have no honor of yourself, and never NEVER you will be on viruz level just because he is a man and your not.

Please, you made a big list of your victory yesterday but you dint add me in it, can you please go watch our ladders games and post that result?

Because i already did it, good luck.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 12:43:24 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #81 on: September 10, 2015, 12:46:54 PM »

You said I started level 1 build hacking you because I was losing the game? Yes, it's true I did level 1 dk you... but I did it at the very start of the game moron, hall farm temple basically, so how could I be losing it?

Also the time you're referring to about tipping is a random game where you lost to spb (whats that like? i wouldn't know), and then joe came out trolling that I tipped to get you riled up. He even said he was joking after a bit, and you just ran with it to satisfy your ego.

As for why I didn't add your name to the list of people I have records with, obviously I didn't add you because 1. Nobody considers you good, 2. It's a universal truth that you aren't good, 3. That was a list of good to great players, no scrubs.

However, since you said I am only 4-2, and I denied it, then you want to call me out and tell me to check the ladder record?

Here you go:

Games between swift and Equinox

Current 1v1 Record: 7 - 1

swift (#10) defeated Equinox (#32) on "Garden of War" at 06:15:00 on 08/11/2013.
swift (#18 → #16) defeated Equinox (#15) on "Garden of War" at 12:24:41 on 12/16/2012.
swift (#22 → #18) defeated Equinox (#15) on "Garden of War" at 12:12:01 on 12/16/2012.
Equinox (#11 → #9) defeated swift (#7) on "Garden of War" at 08:08:51 on 10/08/2012.
swift (#14 → #11) defeated Equinox (#9) on "Garden of War" at 12:05:03 on 10/04/2012.
swift (#19 → #14) defeated Equinox (#9) on "Garden of War" at 11:52:54 on 10/04/2012.
swift (#15) defeated Equinox (#29) on "Plains of snow BNE" at 23:58:22 on 07/29/2012.
swift (#15) defeated Equinox (#29) on "Plains of snow BNE" at 23:46:50 on 07/29/2012.
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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #82 on: September 10, 2015, 12:51:03 PM »
EQ I get off work at 6 PM PST

Dude you totally know im not gonna play you for 2 reasons, first because ive never enjoy to play with someone like you, because everyone know your a fucking loser cheater from every possible angle.. You have no respect for your ennemies and you have no respect for yourself as a respectable players.

second it's because i dont support this server anymore untill everyone is on the same level, i dont see why im gonna play a game where 50% of peoples can hacks and the other 50% can't... that reason is not about you but about the whole situation i fight since the last year.

You think im dodger??? Ive play shotgun, bhc-jesk, braviet, tyrus, koorb over 200x each, ive never dodge anybody, i just dont enjoy to play with a loser like you sorry.

But like i said, if they close clients, i will, no doubt about it.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #83 on: September 10, 2015, 12:51:44 PM »
Lol @ swift abusing EQ to climb the ladder.
Dk At hall is cause I started with temple at start and didn't need the castle . Not a hack .  I wouldn't bother editing a ss btw

^---- Dellam doesnt hack!  See, even by his own admission, no hack!!  LMFAO.

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #84 on: September 10, 2015, 12:54:38 PM »
It's so funny how you're wrong on everything, and it's always stuff that's so obviously not true and easy to disprove. I really just hope you're some grand ultimate troll, that would be such an amazing plot twist to the stupidity of equinox saga.

Now listen, about that 7-1. You probably won't understand this because I doubt any great player has ever had to try vs you, but basically that 7-1 is just me taking it easy on you. I never gave it 100% vs 'average' players. So, because you got a flukey win when I fucked around vs you, I am now going to not just say i'll "probably" 10-0 you. That's not enough, now I'm going to guarantee it and make sure I do just so I can show you how far apart our skills really are. Now accept the challenge
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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #85 on: September 10, 2015, 12:58:21 PM »

You said I started level 1 build hacking you because I was losing the game? Yes, it's true I did level 1 dk you... but I did it at the very start of the game moron, hall farm temple basically, so how could I be losing it?

Also the time you're referring to about tipping is a random game where you lost to spb (whats that like? i wouldn't know), and then joe came out trolling that I tipped to get you riled up. He even said he was joking after a bit, and you just ran with it to satisfy your ego.

As for why I didn't add your name to the list of people I have records with, obviously I didn't add you because 1. Nobody considers you good, 2. It's a universal truth that you aren't good, 3. That was a list of good to great players, no scrubs.

However, since you said I am only 4-2, and I denied it, then you want to call me out and tell me to check the ladder record?

Here you go:

Games between swift and Equinox

Current 1v1 Record: 7 - 1

swift (#10) defeated Equinox (#32) on "Garden of War" at 06:15:00 on 08/11/2013.
swift (#18 → #16) defeated Equinox (#15) on "Garden of War" at 12:24:41 on 12/16/2012.
swift (#22 → #18) defeated Equinox (#15) on "Garden of War" at 12:12:01 on 12/16/2012.
Equinox (#11 → #9) defeated swift (#7) on "Garden of War" at 08:08:51 on 10/08/2012.
swift (#14 → #11) defeated Equinox (#9) on "Garden of War" at 12:05:03 on 10/04/2012.
swift (#19 → #14) defeated Equinox (#9) on "Garden of War" at 11:52:54 on 10/04/2012.
swift (#15) defeated Equinox (#29) on "Plains of snow BNE" at 23:58:22 on 07/29/2012.
swift (#15) defeated Equinox (#29) on "Plains of snow BNE" at 23:46:50 on 07/29/2012.

Very start of the game while im strong hold????? Seriously??? There no way where you can justify the fact your hacking peoples, joke or not, you hacks me 2 years ago, thats exactly the last time i decide to play you.

swift (#10) defeated Equinox (#32) on "Garden of War" at 06:15:00 on 08/11/2013.

Anyway someone tell me if you hack that day it was maybe by accident and you just said it was a joke to cover the fact you where using hack these day, because you had build hack activated and build a temple by accident, it make alot of sens too, but either way, you still hacks me in 1v1.

And now your pretending im not good when most of peoples you post on that list was beating by me several times lol..

I mean you just want to make me the biggest loser ever, but the truth is you are the biggest hacker loser ever.

You should keep asking jordan and jo00 to build when you lose, so can keep lying about your nice records nobody cares.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 01:02:26 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #86 on: September 10, 2015, 01:00:34 PM »
It's so funny how you're wrong on everything, and it's always stuff that's so obviously not true and easy to disprove. I really just hope you're some grand ultimate troll, that would be such an amazing plot twist to the stupidity of equinox saga.

Now listen, about that 7-1. You probably won't understand this because I doubt any great player has ever had to try vs you, but basically that 7-1 is just me taking it easy on you. I never gave it 100% vs 'average' players. So, because you got a flukey win when I fucked around vs you, I am now going to not just say i'll "probably" 10-0 you. That's not enough, now I'm going to guarantee it and make sure I do just so I can show you how far apart our skills really are. Now accept the challenge

Nobody cares about your old cheating hacking records.

Ask them to close clients, we will see how good you are.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #87 on: September 10, 2015, 01:05:20 PM »
Guy said im bad and thats why he dint put me in his list, but people in that list have worst records then me against him.

Make so much sens lol
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #88 on: September 10, 2015, 01:08:02 PM »
Lol @ swift abusing EQ to climb the ladder.

Well at least he can abuse me, not your newbe ass rank.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #89 on: September 10, 2015, 01:44:29 PM »
Guy said im bad and thats why he dint put me in his list, but people in that list have worst records then me against him.

Make so much sens lol

I am forced to try much more vs them, because they're better players. You on the other hand, can't even truly warm me up.
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