Author Topic: has antihack caught anyone?  (Read 41048 times)

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #60 on: September 10, 2015, 06:27:36 AM »
You're making lies about me. I don't steal your personal information. I never hacked into your computer, discovered your facebook or anything to get that picture. You literally posted it on the forums, the same way you posted your dick picture lol.

You're also lying because you say you've never hacked. You've hacked, and by denying that you hacked (no matter how long ago) that just makes you suspicious by default by not even admitting your past when its brought up.

1. You can be racist against any country. Also you "faking racism to make lb mad" still is racist. By your logic, everyone who's racist toward you for being french (Which you cry about) simply faked it too. And again, i'm not from New Zealand you idiot. That's Koorb.

2. That SS illusions lie conspiracy theory of yours still got hackers banned, not as much as an anti-hack would, but it still got people banned. Martin18 and his brothers are the best recent examples of this.

3. Why do you want to have sex with dellam?

4. "Ok so let me know how the fuck im suppose to steal my father"

I never claimed you stole your father. That would go under kidnapping. You're the only one talking about kidnapping your own dad here.
I say you steal his money, and are negligent towards him when his in sick health, combine the fact that you laugh at his mothers  death. You are simply a scumbag, and I feel bad for him. He deserves better then an abomination of a son as you.

Swift has thousands of warvids of playing legit, I believe he even burnt a bunch of them onto cds lol.  his got more games legit then you, Antihack or no antihack, everyone knows he plays legit if they just ask him for his warvid. Which can't be said for you, as you blatantly deny warvid and ss, if ss was a lie to you, warvid was the solution until antihack, which you refused to use!

There was a time where i was playing everyday yes, but I decided to become a casual player not long after. You had nothing to do with that, you say you play heroes of the storm now, well I went and played diablo 2 for a month or two, and  then I went back to an old MMORPG to play for the remainder, the only time I logged on war2 between then was when I convinced my friends from the mmorpg to download war2 and give it a shot.

You've never shown anybody respect on these forums, and even in your own family, so showing you a lack of respect in the form of a picture of you is simply a "So what" just like you say your grandmas death is a "so what".

"ive never use this kind of behavior against my ennemies to get what i want, by acting this way you just proov you where short of argument and it was your way to get yourself up"

That's where you're lying. Do we have to go look for your stupid pictures that you posted as a "short of arguement and only way to get yourself up" , including half naked men and labelling them as ryu, myself and smeagol (I have no idea why you have such a fascination with them and then go on to call others faggots, you're just in the closet there considering you have all these half naked men saved onto your pc) , and then theres your "Attention" one, with the incredibly bad English following it. That's the  funny part about that actually lol, the fact it makes no sense.

You are a scumbag for laughing at your grandmothers death and then saying "So what" about it. You are an immoral person, judging by all your history of lying and  cheating on this game, that has obviously translated into your real life since you obviously have this need to disrespect your own family like that and shrug it off like it was nothing. Hopefully those Hells Angels you owe get you sooner rather then later. They can teach you a lesson in respect too while they're beating you up for debt.

I think you dont understand the concept of copyright.

You cant take picture of nobody, even if they are public, and modify with any randon softwares and use these picture to decrease reputation of someone.

It's against the law dude, the only reason why i cant do no shit, it's because your living from other side of the world.

This is totally copyright stealing and reputation decraseing attempt.

Also ive never post my dick picture, i post a random dick from google, i also said you guys can believe what you want about these dick, it exited me when people give me so much love, it's look like you got alot of love for me since you talk about that dick everyweeks from the last 6 month. I also spoil that dick and there nothing wrong about it, if you want to cry while something is spoil so why are we using spoil?

Also I can't be racist of peoples i dont know, wtf are you talking about, what kind of stupid racism is that, free racist, rasism is not free already??

When i said i dont know what a neo zeland or australian guys is, it's just because i dont know if that guys is white, arabe, japaneese, or maybe bresilian?? Wtf are you anyway???

Also martin and dellam are 2 retard who can even rush on gow, NOBODY FUCKING CARES ABOUT THEM, dont you understand, we have caught dellam from 10 years ago dude, he was not even playing and he was already in our hacking list... I mean this dude ive hacks the server for eternity, stop using them and retard player as martin to back the fact they did something against hack that last ten years and way much more important that last yekar.

I kidnapp my own dad?? Wtf is that, where did you read something like that?? And how the fuck i steal his money, ive never steal my father of my life, and how the fuck im negligent about him, im living with him exactly to help him fucking dumb fucker. I do everything for him, what the fucking hell are you talking about stupid innocent. And how the fuck did you conclude my grand mother is his mother, i got 2 grand mother idiot, seriously dude EVERYTHING OF THAT IS PURE BULLSHIT, and you totally deserve to go in hell for that... your the lowest person ive never met in my life.

Also fuck that part of how much you play and how casual player you are, nobody give a fuck about your playing time or playing skills.

Now your talking about swift, but you dint even know swift, actually you know nothing about that game, your a total life looser who give his own delusional opinion and some lie over that, the truth about swift is pure and simple, he get caught multiple times however how much warvid he got, I REPEAT, HE GET CAUGHT MUTIPLES TIMES. Multiples times when is was already an establish player, competitive player, and was a total adult who was conscient of his own act


Swift is a total loser, he have hacks for many years, he have cheat with is friend with typying while gaming for many years too, his friend have build in game while he was losing to cancel ladder victory of his opponnent many times, actually swift is the most pathetic player ever who build his reputation on lie and cheat. He deserve nothing for his past and should use that anti hak right now to proove who he really is, but he wont because since anti hack get out he dint have any interrest anymore for that game.

The picture i post about you, ryu and smealgol was a response to your picture you guys where posting everyday since six month about me, it work too because since i start that picture to show how good you look with your buttplug you stop to post my picture.

Again, i did do nothing wrong to my grand mother, saying she dead while she dead since ten years is not immoral but just reality, your  scumb bag loser yourself, your actually the worst person of that game and probably your whole country, is that racist to said your probably a shame for your nationly? Because i should be racist!
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 06:39:45 AM by Equinox »
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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #61 on: September 10, 2015, 06:58:11 AM »
holy shit ya'll have a lot to say to eachother

imagine if you read a book on "how to make lots of money" as much as you typed/read the forums.

you'd be fkin millionaires probably.

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #62 on: September 10, 2015, 07:23:36 AM »
All this hate and anger towards me . All cause I wanted to help the server

Now ppl threading to ban me for hacking . Funny that not 1 person has caught me hacking . Ever . Yet they want to ban me for it ??
Nick is flange , I don't hack
Many people here accusing me of hacking know for a fact that I don't

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #63 on: September 10, 2015, 07:28:07 AM »
I think i see the problem... Apologies any1?

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #64 on: September 10, 2015, 11:11:46 AM »
Now your talking about swift, but you dint even know swift, actually you know nothing about that game, your a total life looser who give his own delusional opinion and some lie over that, the truth about swift is pure and simple, he get caught multiple times however how much warvid he got, I REPEAT, HE GET CAUGHT MUTIPLES TIMES. Multiples times when is was already an establish player, competitive player, and was a total adult who was conscient of his own act


Swift is a total loser, he have hacks for many years, he have cheat with is friend with typying while gaming for many years too, his friend have build in game while he was losing to cancel ladder victory of his opponnent many times, actually swift is the most pathetic player ever who build his reputation on lie and cheat. He deserve nothing for his past and should use that anti hak right now to proove who he really is, but he wont because since anti hack get out he dint have any interrest anymore for that game.

I'll never know what to make of people saying "swift's been caught several times". It's absolutely preposterous, as anyone worth their salt knows that I've never been caught competitive hacking ever.

Also, where do you get off making up out of thin air that "my friend cheated with typing" with me, or that I had people build halls in games? This is like stuff nobody's ever suspected from me and you just go around fabricating it and treating it like its common knowledge. you truly have no class.

Lastly, stop saying I am avoiding war2 because of anti-hack when I clearly said I'll come on and pwn you while using it. I could probably 10-0 you tonight as rusty as I am. Offer still on the table
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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #65 on: September 10, 2015, 11:20:59 AM »
Lastly, stop saying I am avoiding war2 because of anti-hack when I clearly said I'll come on and pwn you while using it. I could probably 10-0 you tonight as rusty as I am. Offer still on the table
ooh.  Equinox, game or dodge?

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #66 on: September 10, 2015, 11:21:50 AM »

Lastly, stop saying I am avoiding war2 because of anti-hack when I clearly said I'll come on and pwn you while using it. I could probably 10-0 you tonight as rusty as I am. Offer still on the table
ooh.  Equinox, game or dodge?

I wanna see this match [emoji51]...

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #67 on: September 10, 2015, 11:35:39 AM »
meh, its equinox, what do you expect? you all act like its the first unaccurate/delusional thing he said. he wont play swift

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #68 on: September 10, 2015, 11:55:35 AM »
meh, its equinox, what do you expect? you all act like its the first unaccurate/delusional thing he said. he wont play swift

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #69 on: September 10, 2015, 12:13:50 PM »
Lastly, stop saying I am avoiding war2 because of anti-hack when I clearly said I'll come on and pwn you while using it. I could probably 10-0 you tonight as rusty as I am. Offer still on the table
ooh.  Equinox, game or dodge?

Im not playing this game since the last three month, how the fuck im suppose to get back at this game to make that pleasure to a cheater/typer/hacker.

This dude cant play without map hack, everyone know swift is legit untill you beat him, dont take alot of time to make him start hacking and cheating whit is friends.

Seriously, ive never play a game with swift where i dint get hacked or cheat by him jordan and GP.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 12:16:44 PM by Equinox »
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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #70 on: September 10, 2015, 12:15:04 PM »
He said he'll log in with antihack

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #71 on: September 10, 2015, 12:23:56 PM »
Well, you don't have to play swift anyway, because you can just concede here now you would lose 10-0 and the games won't be necessary

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #72 on: September 10, 2015, 12:25:14 PM »
He said he'll log in with antihack

Yes and hes gonna said i dont play you if jordan and joe00 dont watch?? Like he does everytime?? Did you know how much 1s he dodge without them? Ive already beat swift mutiple time since hes calveries and he lie about it, it was already ten years ago and he was already hacking our games because JACK94 was raping him on East server.

That dude is the most pathetic player ever, he got no respect for nobody, he will hacks you if needed, if he cant hack he will get typing from his friend, and if their friend talkhit and you want to 1s them, they will swich account so you still have to play swift, the only thing he want, its to be procalim the best, he dont cares about anybody else, and he always gonna do everytime he can to win and be proclaim the best, that dude deserve no fucking shit.

Even if viruz was caught too in the past like he always said for his own defense, viruz is a man and playing like a man, swift is a child who did never grow up and feel great about hacking and cheating peoples.

Our total record on war2ru it's like 4-2 for him, 4-2 where he cheat, get typing by his friend and cancel many of my victory by build in my game.

That dude is nothing alone.

Fuck off

« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 12:31:04 PM by Equinox »
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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #73 on: September 10, 2015, 12:29:34 PM »
You wouldn't play him even if he logged on with antihack and played with no watchers, right?  Since you dodge swift you can't complain if Winchester dodges you.  Y'all a bunch of dodgers

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Re: has antihack caught anyone?
« Reply #74 on: September 10, 2015, 12:33:57 PM »
Equinox, I've never used jordan/joe as a crutch not to play you, and I won't now. So, I'll have AH on and no watchers - what is your next excuse?

P.S - There's no way I am only 4-2 vs you. You're a scrub, and guys like you never manage to win more than occasional game vs me and only if I am taking it easy on you.
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