I sense the overwhelming feelings of apathy.
Same for me now.
All these game-dying talkings turn me into depression also.
I'm tired of that, no hunger to release that as soon as possible. Same for others as i see that. I hope things will be turned back soon. It's cyclic: period of activity, then period of apathy. Then activity again.
In addition to apathy you talking here:
I see some problems with antihack, still not clear for me, that's why i slow that down. I still hope to resolve the problems soon...
somebody else, be it lance, tupac or whoever, should start their own server and i, for one, will gladly join there
Sure, let them do. I never protest if someone try to do something himself.
Their own server or their own antihack or w/e.
Anyone feel free to start his own antihack, share it to others and let them use it if they trust him.
There have been several antihack solutions, but no one looked like final release.
Of course anybody fell free to setup his own server, just not sure if the community will move there.
Our main problem is everybody talks about to do something but nobody (almost nobody) do something.
Even the easiest task: host bot have not been released by anyone for years until i made it myself last summer.
Another task: cases ladder or enhanched ladder: of course anyone feel free fo release it, but nobody do it.
Equinox cries about bad admins and dying server last 8 months, but didn't do something positive. He tried his own forum but it have been empty. He tried his own UWC league, but it have been empty. He tried his UWC league here, but it looks abandoned now and he cries that admins are guilty of all his problems.
Some other persons (like $pace) tried something, but people didn't trust them, so their servers have been empty.
If any of them responds, we shall set a reasonable deadline, be it one month, two or w/e, and then start another server with admins that are alive.
BTW, what's wrong with current SERVER? Antihack, HW protection are foreign services not quite related to server, so i'm about active admins here. What are their tasks to be online all the time?
To move stats and set icons, that's ok. Anything else? Our rules allows everything except hacking and cheating now, so what to moderate here?
Moderators will not help against DDoS or other attacks, banning cheaters is not something they can do effectively. So, do we need any moderators here generally? Only to transfer stats/setting icons? We can just setup bots for that actions and forget about moderators. Do we need any other admins/mods here?