The problem is clearly what I first suggested a few weeks ago when I asked if it was a cron related issue. Obviously it is, but if there are no cron jobs on your server between 2AM GMT and 3AM GMT (which is 10pm EDT - 11PM EDT), then it's a cronjob related to the host itself. I dont have any ideas as for a reason for why they would do this other than to increase revenues for service calls if they charge for that sort of thing lol. A question I have is, why do you keep using european hosts? Everytime you've used one you have issues. Is there a specific reason why you do not use a UK, US, CA, or AU host? If it's money related, I am sure there are quite a few people here who have hosts in these more modern countries that you could utilize (self included). I'm even willing to bet that those of us who have hosts that you could use would offer them for free (I know I would).