With the default configuration is is possible to do. Mods on war2.us had all of the default moderator commands plus they could set an icon. I did not however have it set so that they could transfer stats, but that does not mean it couldnt be set up. Then again my PVPGN was highly modified, default PVPGN only has command groups which means that either you had access to set or you didnt and set had a LOT of capabilities. You cant lock down set (or other commands such as ipban to only allow time arguments, etc) by default. But adding new commands is childs play. I simply created a new command that had the ability to specified functions if the account had the proper permissions. In otherwords, I modified it such that command groups were no longer needed. I could give users access to different subsets of the "set" command on a per account basis. It also had the side effect of simplying the convoluted "set" syntax. So tupac might be able to give icons and stats, but lightbringer could only set stats, and jade could only set icons, yet they would all be a "moderator". I did not like how PVPGN permissions were developed so I changed it by adding 1 command to pvpgn.
All of these are possible, but they do require work on iL's part. So right now, by default I believe Moderator is just fine. You can always set icons and other things using some website interface if c/c++ is to difficult. That solves a lot of problems and opens up the possibility of making the commands more user friendly and easier to secure. PHP is far simpler and many of the "set" commands can be re-developed in a web interface. Bottom line, it's all completely possible and ANYONE with PHP knowledge could easily develop it for him. There are far more people with PHP/Perl experience than c/c++. Modifying PVPGN truly is not that difficult if you think outside the box.
Here is an example scenario of what I envision as a "web interface". A mod goes to some webpage and is presented with a list of players currently logged in. There is also a search box that can search offline players. Next to each player is a dropdown containing a list of all possible icons, the default selected icon is obviously their current icon. Next to that will be their win/loss stats that are in a TEXT box. Simply typing in new numbers results in changing them. Other things could be there as well, but thats basic enough to give an idea of what I'd consider a better interface than the current PVPGN "set" command system which is very difficult to understand and very easy to fuck up and have to re-type a long ass command. If $pace were around he could tell you that I already had such an interface. It even allowed him to upload new icons from regular gif/png/jpg files. And that's on top of the command I added for doing things from within the war2 client.