1) You are asking for money; you should provide details to all these fees and why you had to go to court.
2) Are you both not using government assistance for food?
3) Why do you live somewhere you can't work? That's pretty counterintuitive.
4) What is your disability? The government will pay you if you cannot work due to this.
5) What is your rent?
6) What income do you have?
7) I bet 100 other homeless people need a home and food. Why don't you help them? You cannot afford to, because you cannot help yourself. So, why house another person? Admirable, sure, but likely, not the best way to get back on your feet. It's like being poor AF and then choosing to have kids. (though the govt gives you more money for that but you get the idea)

How much of people's money have you acquired throughout the years of begging online?