Author Topic: $1000 1v1 GOW Tournament | Saturday | March 29 | 3PM EST  (Read 16973 times)

Offline turtleman

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Re: $1000 1v1 GOW Tournament | Saturday | March 29 | 3PM EST
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2025, 07:50:53 PM »
I think a lot of people would spend an hour downloading/playing a game for a 3% chance of winning 50 bucks assuming we get ~300 people interested and half the pool split into $50 random prizes

We could even do categories like dumbest name, most embarassing loss, worst player of the tournament, etc - I'm not saying have a noob tournament, im saying let noobs join the tournament.

Online ~ToRa~

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Re: $1000 1v1 GOW Tournament | Saturday | March 29 | 3PM EST
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2025, 07:58:26 AM »
I think a lot of people would spend an hour downloading/playing a game for a 3% chance of winning 50 bucks assuming we get ~300 people interested and half the pool split into $50 random prizes

We could even do categories like dumbest name, most embarassing loss, worst player of the tournament, etc - I'm not saying have a noob tournament, im saying let noobs join the tournament.

We don't restrict people from playing.
All players are allowed to play and are encouraged to play.
As Harry mentioned we have done lower tier tournaments in the past but our community is too small at this point in time.
war2 > war3

Offline turtleman

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Re: $1000 1v1 GOW Tournament | Saturday | March 29 | 3PM EST
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2025, 11:07:42 AM »
I think a lot of people would spend an hour downloading/playing a game for a 3% chance of winning 50 bucks assuming we get ~300 people interested and half the pool split into $50 random prizes

We could even do categories like dumbest name, most embarassing loss, worst player of the tournament, etc - I'm not saying have a noob tournament, im saying let noobs join the tournament.

We don't restrict people from playing.
All players are allowed to play and are encouraged to play.
As Harry mentioned we have done lower tier tournaments in the past but our community is too small at this point in time.

nice job hosting the tournament
I don't think yiou guys are understanding what I'm trying to say

Again, I never suggested having a separate tournament for noobs, im only suggesting you redistribute the prize pool so that there is an incentive for people to play in it by giving out random prizes

So instead of #1 - 600, #2 - 300, #3 - 100
It'd be something like #1 - 300, #2 - 200, #3 - 100, and then 10 other people randomly win $50
That way, more people will show up and play because they know they have a chance at winning something

And if you change the map pool to have a variety of interesting maps, again, more people will show up to play.

If your goal is to build the community, then IMO this approach makes a lot more sense. Worst case scenario, no new players show up and the money is more evenly dispersed among the existing community. But I doubt the prospect of winning 600 bucks vs 300 bucks for the top spot is going to stop anyone from competing

Offline Knitter

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Re: $1000 1v1 GOW Tournament | Saturday | March 29 | 3PM EST
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2025, 12:08:58 PM »
Hey Turtleman, back on us.east there was a turleman, is that you?
If so, nice to read from you.

I like your idea of having a small prize for players who participate.
You know you won't win the tournament, but you have the chance to win a little something if you are lucky. ( 50$)
10 players is a bit much, our tournaments are still relatively small.
But 2-3 players who could benefit from a lucky draw could persuade some to join in.

For now I would stick with Gow. Other map variations have not worked in the past. But you don't have to implement everything at once and could start like this.

In the end it's up to Tora, he's the organiser and financier.
Thanks for your ideas anyway.

Offline turtleman

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Re: $1000 1v1 GOW Tournament | Saturday | March 29 | 3PM EST
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2025, 04:50:48 PM »
hey knitter nice to see you, yes it's me!

so here's the thing and why i'm wondering about this tournament. It's coming up this saturday, I've got a youtube channel about warcraft 2 and I want to promote the tournament

If I make a video, post it on all of the blizzard subreddits and get let's say 20k people to see the headline, let's say a few hundred of those people actually take the time to watch the video,
and then I say "hey guys, there's a free tournament this saturday where 9 grizzled veterans are going to beat the shit out of everyone on the same map and resourcecs they've been playing for the last 30 years, why not join?"

vs "hey guys, download this free game for a good chance of winning 50 bucks randomly just for signing up and having a good time on all of these cool maps and resources where you might have a fighting chance"

why not limit the random prizes to the amount of participants. So let's say you guys are expecting like what, 30~ people to join? Let's say we manage to market the tournament to people outside of the community and pull in another 60 players so now we've got 90 players - how many random prizes? maybe we have 2 random prizes for the first 30 players, and one more random prize for each additional 10 participants?

Either way, if I knew that I could make a video simply saying "sign up to win a piece of the $1000 prize pool with random participation rewards of $50 I can work with that. I'll promote it either way but if we want to bring new players into the game we need to market it to them, the guys already playing dont need marketing.

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: $1000 1v1 GOW Tournament | Saturday | March 29 | 3PM EST
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2025, 07:30:52 PM »
I'm pretty sure Jayhawkers has your original name, if you don't have it.

You could try the random prizes. That might work. I think trying something different is better than trying nothing new. Just know, you'll lose 70% of current players to random maps. If you get 15+ new people to come in though, then it won't matter and would be worth it. Also, just more information for you but many players don't do tournaments because they know they have no chance. Some do it for fun. I guess this could motivate people but it's hard to get word out as only 5-10% of the people go on here.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2025, 07:42:37 PM by Harrywangs »

Offline dannyldd

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Re: $1000 1v1 GOW Tournament | Saturday | March 29 | 3PM EST
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2025, 08:14:04 PM »
hey knitter nice to see you, yes it's me!

so here's the thing and why i'm wondering about this tournament. It's coming up this saturday, I've got a youtube channel about warcraft 2 and I want to promote the tournament

If I make a video, post it on all of the blizzard subreddits and get let's say 20k people to see the headline, let's say a few hundred of those people actually take the time to watch the video,
and then I say "hey guys, there's a free tournament this saturday where 9 grizzled veterans are going to beat the shit out of everyone on the same map and resourcecs they've been playing for the last 30 years, why not join?"

vs "hey guys, download this free game for a good chance of winning 50 bucks randomly just for signing up and having a good time on all of these cool maps and resources where you might have a fighting chance"

why not limit the random prizes to the amount of participants. So let's say you guys are expecting like what, 30~ people to join? Let's say we manage to market the tournament to people outside of the community and pull in another 60 players so now we've got 90 players - how many random prizes? maybe we have 2 random prizes for the first 30 players, and one more random prize for each additional 10 participants?

Either way, if I knew that I could make a video simply saying "sign up to win a piece of the $1000 prize pool with random participation rewards of $50 I can work with that. I'll promote it either way but if we want to bring new players into the game we need to market it to them, the guys already playing dont need marketing.

people would get more interested if there's more variety rather than seeing the same 5-10 guys as always, playing the same broken game balance with just Orcs heavily favored and the same literal map everytime, aka: gardens of War.

I dont try to be mean. But doing the same thing gets no better results


In case people dont want to touch and modify War2 Combat (classic) in any way to get more attention, you can try out a tournament for War2Remaster, where people are *forced* to play other maps rather than just gardens of war AND, there's this Rebalance patch by Blizzard which makes a much more fair chance for Human faction to actually play in multiplayer
« Last Edit: March 25, 2025, 08:16:05 PM by dannyldd »

Offline Knitter

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Re: $1000 1v1 GOW Tournament | Saturday | March 29 | 3PM EST
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2025, 12:04:30 PM »
hey knitter nice to see you, yes it's me!

so here's the thing and why i'm wondering about this tournament. It's coming up this saturday, I've got a youtube channel about warcraft 2 and I want to promote the tournament

If I make a video, post it on all of the blizzard subreddits and get let's say 20k people to see the headline, let's say a few hundred of those people actually take the time to watch the video,
and then I say "hey guys, there's a free tournament this saturday where 9 grizzled veterans are going to beat the shit out of everyone on the same map and resourcecs they've been playing for the last 30 years, why not join?"

vs "hey guys, download this free game for a good chance of winning 50 bucks randomly just for signing up and having a good time on all of these cool maps and resources where you might have a fighting chance"

why not limit the random prizes to the amount of participants. So let's say you guys are expecting like what, 30~ people to join? Let's say we manage to market the tournament to people outside of the community and pull in another 60 players so now we've got 90 players - how many random prizes? maybe we have 2 random prizes for the first 30 players, and one more random prize for each additional 10 participants?

Either way, if I knew that I could make a video simply saying "sign up to win a piece of the $1000 prize pool with random participation rewards of $50 I can work with that. I'll promote it either way but if we want to bring new players into the game we need to market it to them, the guys already playing dont need marketing.

if I see correctly, you have 36 subscribers?
I'm not sure why you assume that your videos will be watched by so many people.
But yes I like your idea and yes I think it's good to try to change things.

Offline turtleman

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Re: $1000 1v1 GOW Tournament | Saturday | March 29 | 3PM EST
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2025, 01:31:39 PM »
My video might get a few hundred views (which is about what I get on average so far) - the impressions come from social media posting
If I post a video on reddit, thousands of people see the headline, most of them don't click on it.. but the opportunity is there and the more enticing the title, the more likely it's going to convert into a view. The same principle applies to marketing a tournament.

I'm just saying - hey, I'm gonna make a video promoting it, and offering advice to make it more appealing, which is going to help with or without my video, assuming you market it properly. But anyway I'm just going to move forward and assume that the format is staying the same as is - $1000 old/ef tournament with the top 3 winners taking the whole prize pool.

If everything goes according to plan I'll have 2 videos out by Saturday - I'm assuming that the tournament page will be set up the day of so I can just direct people to the game server where they'll get the information at the time of the tournament.

Offline justinschmidt

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Re: $1000 1v1 GOW Tournament | Saturday | March 29 | 3PM EST
« Reply #24 on: Today at 12:52:50 PM »
I didnt read your comment turtleman, but im gonna assume you are man and wolf and good job, here is a hype video for your channel cept i shout at the mic the whole time sorry about that. You don't need to be good at it, which you are, we will make your channel the bestest better than that person's who thinks they will have better. I dont know who was saying otherwise i don't want to insult them by laughing at them.

Offline Qver

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Re: $1000 1v1 GOW Tournament | Saturday | March 29 | 3PM EST
« Reply #25 on: Today at 04:19:46 PM »
Do I need to register somehow on this tournament? Or I just come to server at this time and play?
I havent participated any tournaments earlier).