Hello everybody!
I have discovered sources of war2mod in mistral's repository here:
https://github.com/Mistral-war2ru/War2Mod-Server and found that some functions I can try to change to work faster (all functions doing auras just iterating all units. Instead we can store for each cell which unit is in it and instead iterating all units just check nearby cells. So if auras have range 5 we can check only 11 * 11 = 121 cells, that will work faster if we have at least 122 units. And the same we could do with autoheal)
(It's all started when I making some map with triggers found that it was too laggy and unplayable when there are many units with auras so I wanted to know why, and when I saw the code as competive programmer it blows me up)
Also I am thinking on doing some AI improvments.
So this is my question, how can I join the server with my custom build of war2mod (I understand that I will drop in all games this way) or any other way I can play games and check it working? And if it will work faster to change the original version?