Author Topic: The_0ne_Cr0w  (Read 3634 times)

Offline Harrywangs

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« on: October 30, 2020, 08:12:01 PM »
Couple of things about this guy.

1) Cel can you confirm you know him and he's new?

2) If he is new, he is impressively new. Built and rushed pretty well for someone that is new. Compared to people who cannot make a farm. He still had issues finding gold and stuff in the map but once he gets goin, hes pretty decent Tier1, FOR SOMEONE WHO IS NEW.

3) He says he watches Cel's stream (and u8s?) and just started War2.

4) Says he was a good SC1 and SC2 player so he understands the game enough.

5) He says he wants to play this game to be good.

6) Says hes been looking at the online tutorials that Cel told him to check out

7) Says he keeps getting banned from all games. I decided to play him 1s a few times cuz I felt bad for him. I thought he was trolling me like JustinDag does to me when I try to be nice to new people.

8) I ask that you don't ban him and let him play/help him. If what he is saying is legit (Cel please confirm) and he is only 20 games in and playing this well, he is going to be pretty damn good pretty fast. At least let him watch.

9) If I'm wrong then F me.

10) I have no idea why I made a numbered list.

Offline tk[as]

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Re: The_0ne_Cr0w
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2020, 08:28:02 PM »
not some massive smurf as far as i can tell.

good stuff. hope others help him out as well and hope he sticks around.

Offline baRa

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Re: The_0ne_Cr0w
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2020, 09:42:50 PM »
This thread is NOT ALRIGHT. Since when do people need to be double checked and interrogated for being too new/too good. Even if it was a smurf, who cares? Threads like this need to stop, along with people asking mods for aka etc.

Offline Cel

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Re: The_0ne_Cr0w
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2020, 09:44:21 PM »
He is french canadian and we spoke on voice chat last week.
But he clearly has tremendous potential if he is not a smurf coming from someone Ive not talk to before he is fast and knows already a lot of the game obviously stream helped

Smurf or not consider him as more of an avergage to high tier player, because he is certainly getting there fast. Most importantly I dont care if he is a smurf or not and so should you. We have an active member in the community that seems to enjoy the game and play pretty regularly even during the week apparently, there is no reason not to welcome him with open arms!!!  :newthumbsup:

Anyways he seems like a very nice and respectufl guy and will learn fast I can really tell! (ps: you can always watch the vods from my last streams you will see)

Oh and btw, people coming from my stream are very often at least average at the game, because they really learn a lot especially base rushes and simple strats that I always try to teach them. Often I will invite them in my games and coach them on stream to let them know how to get better. This is how we as a community allow new members to love the game as much as we do, this is how we make war2 great again!

Also U8 and Shotgun's streams are just awesome for these guys once they get it. They can then learn from the very best after they understand the basics. Sometimes they come back and ask me in my stream why u8 did that or that other thing and they get an explaination, even if sometimes I have to explain that u8 is just trolling braviet and equinox when he goes humans with flameshield, but hey at least they learn what makes us laugh about the game too rofl XD :-)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2020, 09:55:32 PM by Cel »

Offline tk[as]

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Re: The_0ne_Cr0w
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2020, 10:02:55 PM »
Bara. If it was a smurf I wouldn't have responded... or responded in a manner that made it seem like I just didn't know.

This isnt 1999 when we have plenty of players. If there's a new player that can benefit the community long term im going to help encourage others support that player if possible.

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: The_0ne_Cr0w
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2020, 10:03:19 PM »
Nice, good job Cel, keep it up. I did the same with m0m02 to help him out. He seems to be getting better as well.

Bara, I think you are taking Smurf in a different connotation than I am. When I say smurf in this sense, I mean someone who is better than they are and are just fucking with me to waste my time or sandbagging to randomly get a win off of me to talk shit or something stupid like that. Hence why I referred to justin. I guess troll would be a more appropriate descriptor.

If it is just someone already in the community on a smurf name who still wants to get better, I am 100% okay with that as long as their intentions are pure.

I am verifying because I have spent a lot of time trying to help people learn and be accepted into the community. Especially new players. Many of them fade really quickly, which discourages me, because I spend hours explaining and teaching (and destroying my arms typing) them. So, I'm at a point where, I almost don't want to help anyone anymore because I've been fucked with too many times or because they leave in a week or 2.

So mostly at this point, unless you have a hundred games or something, I'm not longer going out of my way to help people out. If they say they are new in a game, I won't ban, but I'm not doing much more than that unless they have shown that they are going to continue to play.

I felt bad for crow getting banned so I went against my better judgment. I asked if he wanted to just passively play this game or try to get good. He said to get good. I told him to FL add me and I'd help him later on. I just want to make sure it's legit so I do not waste my time and efforts is all.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2020, 10:10:35 PM by Harrywangs »

Offline Cel

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Re: The_0ne_Cr0w
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2020, 10:26:56 PM »
Just play with the guy, he will learn with practice he already probably know everything he needs to get better and if he has really pointy questions you an always ask him to ask me when I am live I dont mind :slight_smile:  :newthumbsup:

Also yeah try not to ban people too much it does not take a lot of games to figure out how strong a player really is. Do these 3 to 4 games and you have a new guy you can play with when your other mates are not here to play with you. :-)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2020, 10:29:55 PM by Cel »

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Re: The_0ne_Cr0w
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2020, 04:20:10 AM »
This thread is NOT ALRIGHT. Since when do people need to be double checked and interrogated for being too new/too good. Even if it was a smurf, who cares? Threads like this need to stop, along with people asking mods for aka etc.

I think there is nothing wrong with a thread like this so long is there isn’t a big reveal of an existing players smurf.
war2 > war3

Offline Szwagier

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Re: The_0ne_Cr0w
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2020, 06:16:13 AM »
Yes many people ask me how to play onilne on my twitch

He asked also

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

Offline baRa

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Re: The_0ne_Cr0w
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2020, 11:37:10 AM »
This thread is NOT ALRIGHT. Since when do people need to be double checked and interrogated for being too new/too good. Even if it was a smurf, who cares? Threads like this need to stop, along with people asking mods for aka etc.

I think there is nothing wrong with a thread like this so long is there isn’t a big reveal of an existing players smurf.

Yes that is the point I'm trying to make. Reveals are not ok unless said smurf is caught hacking.

Offline The_0ne_Cr0w

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Re: The_0ne_Cr0w
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2020, 02:04:45 AM »
all right I saw my name on the battlenet welcome message hahaha had to take a look xD whatever you think I'm not a smurf. I would like to thanks Harry though for his tremendous patience xD still might go humans anyway but I really enjoyed playing with him tonight. You might think Im good but I dont see it that way lol! In fact I do the same mistake on sc2 since it came out ALWAYS LATE on macro... Im master league on sc2 so part of how quick I am comes from that and I had the occasion to watch u8 a lot lately (he is the one who refered me to because i didnt know it was even a thing)

I might give a little too much importance to that but I really dont like when people dont believe me because im an honest person... @Harrywangs

Anyway I will just leave it like that... At the end of the day I'm just a guy who wants to learn a new game and so far Im enjoying myself a lot with you guys and I plan to stay and get even better if people give me the chance to play haha!

thanks guys :wc2: