I been checking da warcraft forums every now n then for the last year and I'm fucking sick n tired of all the bicking and infighting, stupid accusations and blame games, don't u all realize we share a unique bond as brothers for the time spent enjoying this game, growing up on it and evolving as people annd sharing memories with each other? It's set in stone, u wanna know wat to cry about how a fucking bout Ur lif r totally ruined lost all Ur family, homeless for 2 years living under bridges and in a tent, rats breaking in constantly, stealing Ur food, being stood over at Ur tent in da bush with an axe, spending Ur birthday begging outsite a super market on Ur birthday, everyone hating on u no one to care or loook out for u spending Ur last 4 Xmas completely alone, da last one staring at Ur Tent walls why u hear family's in the distance cheering celebrating and laughing, u guys bicking over Ur petty shit when Ur brothers yea u heard da truth life's over for koorb, wake da fuck up n start respecting each other I fucking mean it. Life can end n an instant