Author Topic: honest confession and apologise to polaks/ruskies/sepi etc  (Read 3007 times)

Offline RipE[Eur0]

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honest confession and apologise to polaks/ruskies/sepi etc
« on: February 12, 2020, 01:41:01 PM »
the thing is. as many of u know, i drink a lot. i might b semi alcoholic. thats not a problem to me or demon to me.  im fine with that thing. i know it is temporary thing.
so, u can call me alc and names as much as u want. i dont mind :)

anyway. ive noticed. this long time ive been here online in war2. this is kinda chillin place for me. where i put my pressures off. i dont talk and do any shit to my close ppl in RL.
i rather do it online cuz it is so easy just talk shit here and kinda pull off shit out of ur head.

my intention originally isnt to hurt anybody. i actually like eastern europeans, polaks and ruskies. they r almost only countries being real national fair countries as finland still is barely.

anyway. all i can say h0nestly, as finns do.


finally the main thing is:
IM here for playing war2.
i enjoy playing
esp good 1s and 2s and sometimes big games.
ive been doin this since 95. it is a big part of life for many of us, i know it is sad but it is true :)

finally i try to act more mature. seriously more mature. ive been rude. that is not acceptable. ripestickz0r iz dummy ass h0m0, sorry matez.

anyway, c u in ru!!!! ive always liked ru the best. i think it is more fun anyway compared to old bnet or kali heat etc.
.ru rox!! <3

Offline RipE[Eur0]

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Re: honest confession and apologise to polaks/ruskies/sepi etc
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2020, 01:43:05 PM »
if sum1 puts up flame wars, im not joining. that is a promise.

ps. other thing nuttin to do with this. i think tk and burnt and il for example should deserve more respect for what they have done. they have let us play old video game stillin 2020 :]]

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Re: honest confession and apologise to polaks/ruskies/sepi etc
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2020, 11:19:40 PM »
we should all just hug it out.


Offline Droid

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Re: honest confession and apologise to polaks/ruskies/sepi etc
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2020, 05:02:29 AM »
We love you RipE[Eur0], especially our hax master Ragner.  :critter: :critter: :critter:

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Re: honest confession and apologise to polaks/ruskies/sepi etc
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2020, 09:18:01 AM »
Yeah i am too....

Sorry to polaks...

To not be sorry!!!  :wave:
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: honest confession and apologise to polaks/ruskies/sepi etc
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2020, 05:00:56 PM »
my apologies sir RIpe i go crazy and shit talk when wasted...i think  i should apologize not you...great post buddy;)  :chuckisthemuscle: :chuckisthemuscle:
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

Offline RipE[Eur0]

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Re: honest confession and apologise to polaks/ruskies/sepi etc
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2020, 06:19:22 PM »
well, i might b many things. faggot, drunkass, whatver names ppl can give me.

but i am honest.

and i talk straight.

im seriously sorry about bad things ive said. im here online 90% of time drunk. that is my BAD excuse. however, i like most of u.

so , gl hf n c u in gamez :]]]