Well that is because it does not speed up transports at all they always move at max speed.
So stop hasting your transports guys unless you really fear a mage will try to slow it down it just is a waste of mana.
Yeah totally and a invisible mage will totally do more damages than a hasted dk in all situations because the hasted dk will totally be spotted in time all the time.
As a matter of fact I barely ever see a hasted dk drop work in any of my games it just never happens.
Whereas mages can cast invisibility all day it totally is super cheap you do not have to make an extra mage that will just stand there waiting to have enough mana to cast that one spell and nothing else.
It totally is not more worth it to just send the two mages and use multicasting.
Well humans still are better than orcs on land maps though...
I disagree with you on this one Ring62, they can definitely cast so many much more invisibility because it is so cheap.
they can even make 9 knights invisible and send them right inside an enemy base just like that.
And because knights are invisible they will always do the first attack so it totally is broken!
it totally does not require you to have 9 mages sitting around for ages to do that since it basically is free.
The only reason people do not do it is because they suck at war2...