mousetopher v Kicker.M v disgruntled
great match on KC2!! aside from some initial newby bumbling around i actually played pretty good for me and it turned out to be a long & exciting match
about KC2:KickerCraft 2 is a custom map created by Kicker.M featuring custom building & unit properties to create a better human/orc balance and ensure all units serve a purpose in gameplay. we've been play testing a good amount in the past days/weeks & so far the games plays great and are a lot of fun -- today we did some FFAs and they all played especially well!! there's noticeably a lot more variety of units in play throughout all stages of the game & a lot of intense micro.
definitely check this map out!! contact
@iamli3 at war2 Discord ( to get a copy of the .pud & find out more info about the unit rebalancing. it'd be great to get some feedback about it from pro players
brief overview of rebalancing:the goal is to make the races unique with total unit balance like in starcraft where no units are useless , the themes for the races are the humans have the weaker and cheaper units that are more ideal to harras the enemy base with and they rely more on gold , while the orcs rely more on wood and scoutning and building a strong core army to fight off the human advances
and to coutner balance the resourse dependence difference peasants cost the default 400g while peons are now 450g with 10hp , but farms and pigfarm are made cheaper and weaker at 400g 150w , and teching and upgrades are made more expensive to insentivise building larger current tech armies to do more tactics with , they also take longer to build so the multi worker building mechanic is more tactically useful and vital to use early game
this focus on larger armies however nessitates the removal of blizzard as there is no way to ballance the spell as spell effects cannot be changed , but should help make bloodlust less of a gg tech
here's how the unit balance looks
peasant < peon < footman < grunt < archer < troll < many archers < grunt-troll < footman-archer < orger < knight < ogermage < gryphon < deathknight < paladin < dragons beat all < mage for polymorph < many ogers