We do not support hacking. This program can be useful to modify the exe and compares difference to hopefully making modding experience easier.
Installation Use
All this covers is how to install and use this editor, first decompress
it in you WarCraft II directory then do the following:
1. Unzip WarHack for windows
2. Run WARHACK and answer the questions
When started you should hit a screen with the red bar at the top,
you are at the startup screen. It should state the version of War2
and ask for you to press a key. If not you have either mispelled the
parameter (war2hack.exe or whatever) or your version of War2 is not
compatible!(v1.0 + v1.2 + v1.3 + v1.33 are supported).
Once in the main menu, you can edit various characteristics:
1. Units = Basic information on units with references
to their corresponding command bar,icons, and names.
2. Command Data = Allows you to edit the units command bar
3. Spell Editor = Allows you to edit Mana cost and hopefully
range in the near future.
The spell editor is perhaps the simplest component. It allows one to
change the mana cost and range of a particular spell. Once you have
made the changes press ESC to exit back the the main menu and save changes.
This menu introduces functions.. Functions are pointers to code, and
unlike the other values will ALWAYS crash the game is set to arbitrary values.
You can get possible values by browsing what other units have for this function.
(Or the appendix A). Here is a short description of every entry:
Icon: This is the icon # (in the terrain specific icons counting from 0)
Name: Offset in unit name(strdat) counting from 0
Str Text: What the default strdat.war would show for the name.
unk : Your guess is as good as mine
Fna :
Fnb : Status Bar on side.. Copy value from farms to footman to see farm status
on a footman
cmd data: Offset from the command editor to start of a command section
commands: How many commands the read from ^- section.
What commands? Well those move, attack, etc. spells every unit
has on the sidebar. They are arranged into areas called positions:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Each one of those #'s is a command and all of them make of a function
group. Each one if these has a position, a requirement function (that
determines whether it is shown, and action function,etc..
Here is a brief description of each property:
ICON - The icon index
STRING - The index of the string shown when the mouse is over the button.
POSITION - The position it is in (the numbers are above)
REQ FN - The function called to determine if the button is shown
REQ VER - The variable passed to that function.
ACT FN - The function that gets called when the button is pressed.
ACT VAR - The variable passed.
A few notes about this editor. The selection bar on the side selects
the *DEFAULT* function that this unit uses, so if you map the barracks to a
different cmd struc, the barracks will still take you to the old one. (You'd
have to select the one you mapped it to.)
The cross-references however include your modifications. If you modify
a cmd struc with more than 1 thing in its crossreference all listed units
are affected!
CURRENT CMD OFFS = Tells the current struc offs, this is what you'd change to
in the units editor.
Yuo probably didn't suck all that in, so its best to expierament!
Remember don't overwrite war2.exe! If you need more helpp view
tutor.txt for some examples!