This is way out of context.
From what I recall, ToRa was paying people who obtained/held #1 on ladder, and when I got #1 he wanted me to warvid games so he could pay me. I told him that I don't want any money, and I am just 1sing for fun and not following the ladder, so I don't need to warvid unless an opponent specifically requests such to me. So no, I didn't deny a warvid request from an opponent or anything like that. And no, it cannot be argued that I should have done it because its for ladder games. I didn't sign up for the ladder, it just so happens to automatically records all the 1s. If someone wants to 1s me and ask for warvid, or I am in a tournament/league and it's required for entry (not just prize collection) then such will be produced and has consistently in the past.
I have never accepted money that people (including burnt, pimster, tora and more) promised to pay out to me when I had won a set match or tournament.