well they hit facebook..cheat prevention. hi def etc looks like EA would step in...which looks like blizz would step in on us.but the original dudes knowthe game that put them on the map.
Well they hit facebook... Big deal dude.. Any fucking compagny have a facebook and twitter now.. Its not something we can said wow amazing great work.. It just... something basic... Its something you need to have just to be taken serious.
Its not something you give and ask for grattitude after.. Wtf bro?? Just be real.. its 2016... Are we suppose to use MIRC cuz its warcraft?? I dont understand...
And now.. Cheat prevention... are you serious?? I fucked up all that sever for an entire year before they even consider to take my proposition, and it take another year to build a false anti hack who actually dont really work... And all of this took 10 years, at the end, it took 10 years before we got this anti hack.. 10 YEARS BRO!! 10 FUCKING YEARSS...
Seriously they did mostly nothing... All those add ons, those fixin patchs, maps, almost alll the download section have been create by PLAYERS THEMSELF...
Let me show you something!!
Here the best add on and fixin patch we ever got over those 10 years.
- Color bug fixin patch: Made by AQRIT.
- War2BNE Insight: Made by ngk~laalaa
ngk~lalala is an old school player from europe, this guys have dint play this game since 2004.
- War2 Observer: Made by Anh-Kiet, Ngo, xslider, Showdog[eG], Lothar, Guan-Yu, Howdoesthi, Phreak[eG], TheG0d.
All those guys are players from 10 years ago, except for dugs aka TheG0d and phreak who still play something. But nobody in this guys have never been admin or moderators, they are only players.
- WarVideo: Made by DjinnKahn.
Whos the fuck this guy is.
- Black 2 pink: Made by

?? Messiah???
This guys is also a player..
The only one who really have participate in this admnistration is iL..
And we cant critisize that work from this point of view... But Where we need to critisize him is about the fact hes never here, constantly leave the server for entire months and dint give news at all, dont work on any progression until its ask and beg, dont do nothing by his own desire, cant take the right decision and wall between his own conviction.
This guys is not open for innovation, trying somethign new even if it can fail, he just have no passion and no desire, the guy is probably doing something else of his life and came some days to watch what is happenning.
But at the end he dont have what it really take to be the one... It dont erase everything he do for us, it dont make him a shame, it just mean, its time to go on, its time to do what he really want to do and let this game for peoples who really want to take cares of this game.
This dude dont even understand how marketing work...
Let's see whats the definition of marketing:
Marketing is the communication between a company and the consumer audience that aims to increase the value of the company or its merchandise, or to raise the profile of the company and its products in the public mind. The purpose of marketing is to induce behavioral change in the receptive audience.[1] The American Marketing Association has defined marketing as "the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large." [2]
The techniques used in marketing include choosing target markets through market analysis and market segmentation, as well as understanding methods of influence on the consumer behavior.
From a societal point of view, marketing provides the link between a society's material requirements and its economic patterns of response. This way marketing satisfies these needs and wants through the development of exchange processes and the building of long-term relationships.Obviously this dude cant understand that?? How?? By not targeting the most important customers? Who are they? The WORLD. THE ENTIRE WORLD... By making your product RU... Your targeting RUSSIAN PEOPLES FIRST... Wich mean, your not targeting all those 193 other country in the world.
Thats mean your promoting one of the most hated country in the world..
Are you guys watching news?? Do you guys know there actually ALOT OF TENTION between russia and america and alot of other countrys?? Do you know world war3 is about to begin?
Do you know russia is actually the biggest hacking country in the world?? And do you know all the profesionnal players or compagny know that fact and refute any alliance with russian compagny?
Guys, im not hating here, im just giving you fact, real fact, this is what we call MARKETING... AND OUR MARKETING, IS 0, EVEN BELLOW 0, OUR MARKETING IS EVERYTHING TO PUT EVERYONE AGAINST US?? OK???
WE have no marketing, we have no serious admnistration, we have nothing, we have players who give everything for this game, the player who play this game are actually the ones who make this game live.
Understand that fact, player have did almost everything for this game, by this fact, players should have ther own free talk and opinions about this server and beein listen by those admins.
But its not the case, just be a man, stand on your 2 own feets, and see the truth.