Author Topic: The Antti case?!!!  (Read 2497 times)

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The Antti case?!!!
« on: September 06, 2016, 07:19:17 PM »
Let's talk about the Antti case!

First of all i want to said ive never did what i do for cheating or abuse the systeme.

I did it cuz it was the right choice to do since the admin or obviously useless for this game.

First of all let me explain everything from start.

When ive eard Adam pass away, i was not even playing this game anymore, but still reading the forum from time to time while playing heroes of the storm.

Then i eard the news and it make me sad, not because adam was my friend but just because he was a part of family.

And knowing we will never see him again with us make me sad.

So i decide to do something for him and for us considering he never get to #1 and hes highest rank was #2.

Getting #1 for him!

My goal was not to personalize him or talk for his name or nothing to do about his own opinion, my tought was to do something for him, one last time, to remember him and enjoying a last time.

And thats what i do.

Some peoples was against this idea, some other else was happy to see that name on chat and told me it was cool.

But at the end it was my only motivation.

Then i finally get to #1 and ask the admins to give a week of honor for adam and demote me the 5th september for other peoples in the ladder.

It was clear like water.

Instead they move my request to the trash flaming zone and never did nothing about that.

Now we are the 6th.

I was still #1 and peoples was complaint about the fact i dint defend my title.

The fact is i was not planning since the begginning to defend this #1 or even worst i was not planning to keep playing after the #1 considering i was not even playing since a year before this motivation.

So for me playing on this account was not even a question since the begginning and i had no time right now for that anyway considering im planty in HOTS, thats exactly why i ask to get demote.

But nobody do ther job and peoples keep complaint.

So i did what i did.

And i did it with Antti, cuz shotgun have no played for the 3 last week and have never beat me on the six last month.

When antti clearly lead our series like 9-4 even before i beat knitter 4-2.

Thats why i give it to antti over sg cuz antti was the only one in the top 3 who really beat me and was also active.

#1Adam ( Innactive )
#2Shotgun ( Innactive )
#3Antti ( Active and beat me )

If admins was doing there job i will be remove from rank 1, but shotgun will be also remove from rank 2 and finally antti will be #1 even without me.

But admins DINT DO shit, the only thing they do is keeping fucked up peoples for no reason.

Thats the truth.

« Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 07:21:41 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: The Antti case?!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2016, 07:47:02 PM »
Ban for ladder abuse.

Offline Nox

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Re: The Antti case?!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2016, 07:47:46 PM »
Mad cuz beating macican boy.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: The Antti case?!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2016, 10:22:21 PM »
Mad cuz beating macican boy.

Player thrashed you in your series lol, it's clearly you whos mad when you write this shit everytime you lose a game