Lale- and Disgruntled were dropping too. DG was asap. Lale- was like 2-3mins into the game. Not just GOW, we played AYN 2-3 times.
Also, any chance that on like, a practice map, you could have unlimited time outs? When I try to teach new people it is VERY difficult to type/explain things and do it on the fly. When I pause, I can explain things b4 they happen and show them. This would be a very useful tool but only as some sort of practice map. If we are trying to grow the game, it's best that people understand it. I've never had a new person say no to me teaching them how to play.
On top of that, a peon at each spot, as well as a ton of gold, so I can use each spot without having to get resources/running out. (I guess I could edit that myself)
Naturally, not GOW, or we'd be in the game for 15mins and only have 2 mins of game play when we play with PB.