Not really a tough one for me the plus are overwhelming, computers allowed for knowledge to be widely spread all around the world.
Every single kid that has access to internet can learn pretty much anything they want for free, teachers are going to be obsolete on day.
Also people from all around the world can see/connect to each other and realize we are all very much alike despite what some rulers might want them to think we are human beings.
Most human beings feel empathy.
That in the end contributes to peace.
Overall what we gained from computers is priceless now of course there are always downsides to everything we do. Anyone can turn a healthy occupation into a unhealthy one by being stupid.
One may die out of drinking water too much does that mean water is bad for your health?
Without computers and all they allowed humanity to achieve nope I don't believe life would be better.
Now that is very opinionated I guess some people would love to go back to the stone age, some people also love it when they get hurt and dominated so I would take that with a grain of