Author Topic: tupac dealing final blow to War2  (Read 23875 times)

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #30 on: October 03, 2018, 11:09:31 PM »
you can't convince this retard anything. people are saying "uh i don't think it's him" but it obviously is him. the illegal kiddiescipt attacks makes him think he's some sort of 1337 superh4x0r overlord

someone banned him on the server last week and he jumps on discord blaming me "he's going to regret that". stupid clown, gtfoh with your baseless shitty internet threats ;D

babyshark, shove your evidence up your ass and gtfoh also. you guys are seriously (seriously) deranged

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2018, 04:28:27 AM »
Here we go again, Babyshark is rambling about god again whilst attacking me days earlier for mentioning a leap of faith. The whole premise of her gods existence. Faith.

Offline mousEtopher

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2018, 12:13:29 PM »
They can't stop themselves from reading the posts here and responding here when their names are mentioned.

frankly this goes both ways. the only thing babyshark & tupac are for-sure guilty of here is leaving bait that everyone is unable to stop themselves from taking. banning them doesn't solve anything, it just makes you all feel slightly better about the fact that ru is getting straight-up owned and we're powerless to stop it. sure whoever is attacking the server is a huge weirdo creep, but in all honesty it's not a very strong attack & it's only been possible because ru is a dilapidated pile of crap with no systems in place for dealing with it, no chain of command, no way to delegate access, etc. the way the server is running now is untenable & this is a wake up call to that fact, we can either pull together as a community to deal with it or continue to shove our problems under the rug & pretend that's going to solve anything.

instead of all this gratuitous name calling & finger pointing, why dont we instead discuss pooling resources & finding a real solution?

i think it's clear that what is needed is to 1. update to the latest version of pvpgn which will immediately give us a lot more features/options, especially to control spam registrations 2. get more access to more people to maintain & run the server, or if that's not possible set up a new collaborative development server that can eventually replace the current one, 3. get access to war2combat to people other than iL, who's greatly diminished level of involvement makes it impractical for him to continue operating as the sole project overseer. (Cel has even suggested the possibility of making everything open source to allow more contributions from more people, & more eyes to find and address exploits). there's lots of things we could be doing to deal with this, but as usual everyone is waiting for someone else to do them & thus collectively no one is making a move.

I sont think she's trolling.. I think she is so disconnected from reality she is blind to it..

but none the less, nothing productive will ever be accomplished by attempting to have a meaningful discussion with Babyshark .. she literally has some serious emotional/psychological issues, and were all aware of it

i agree that there's clearly no point trying to engage in anything approaching a reasoned, facts-based discussion with babyshark & it should be obvious to people by now that they should stop wasting their breath. has been attacked over 7000 times in the last month. We are under heavy attack. Someone doesn't want us to play W2 somewhere else for whatever reason.

all wordpress websites experience ongoing brute force attacks on the default login page by bots that exist & constantly crawl the internet for solely that purpose, every wp website ive ever set up has similar statistics. it's not equivocal to the sort of attacks that have been happening to ru's pvpgn server
« Last Edit: October 04, 2018, 12:15:42 PM by mousEtopher »

Offline jordan4385

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2018, 04:59:37 PM »
You seem to be obsessed with swift.

you're so fucking right dude

She wants to dick swiftly

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #34 on: October 17, 2018, 07:00:59 PM »
Server may not be dead but I’ll say those attacks definitely lowered the user base.
war2 > war3

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #35 on: October 17, 2018, 09:40:09 PM »
If you had people lying about you and wishing you dead for things you didn't do, and then they slipped on their own vomit and bonked their head, how sorry for them would you feel?

lol nicely put.

frankly this goes both ways. the only thing babyshark & tupac are for-sure guilty of here is leaving bait that everyone is unable to stop themselves from taking. banning them doesn't solve anything, it just makes you all feel slightly better about the fact that ru is getting straight-up owned and we're powerless to stop it. sure whoever is attacking the server is a huge weirdo creep, but in all honesty it's not a very strong attack & it's only been possible because ru is a dilapidated pile of crap with no systems in place for dealing with it, no chain of command, no way to delegate access, etc. the way the server is running now is untenable & this is a wake up call to that fact, we can either pull together as a community to deal with it or continue to shove our problems under the rug & pretend that's going to solve anything.

instead of all this gratuitous name calling & finger pointing, why dont we instead discuss pooling resources & finding a real solution?

+10 sanity points for Mousey.

But I must say, you are never going to get a cohesive community with an administration that condones or even encourages extreme bullying and racism.

I also think a bot that instanly bans anyone that swears is a bit over the top, but I prefer that any day to a few snotty assholes getting celebrated for making a big show of being as vile and hateful as possible.

Surely there must be a happy medium somewhere? .... lets call it "sanity-land" lol.

its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #36 on: October 18, 2018, 01:12:59 PM »
frankly this goes both ways. the only thing babyshark & tupac are for-sure guilty of here is leaving bait that everyone is unable to stop themselves from taking. banning them doesn't solve anything, it just makes you all feel slightly better about the fact that ru is getting straight-up owned and we're powerless to stop it. sure whoever is attacking the server is a huge weirdo creep, but in all honesty it's not a very strong attack & it's only been possible because ru is a dilapidated pile of crap with no systems in place for dealing with it, no chain of command, no way to delegate access, etc. the way the server is running now is untenable & this is a wake up call to that fact, we can either pull together as a community to deal with it or continue to shove our problems under the rug & pretend that's going to solve anything.

instead of all this gratuitous name calling & finger pointing, why dont we instead discuss pooling resources & finding a real solution?

+10 sanity points for Mousey.

But I must say, you are never going to get a cohesive community with an administration that condones or even encourages extreme bullying and racism.

I also think a bot that instanly bans anyone that swears is a bit over the top, but I prefer that any day to a few snotty assholes getting celebrated for making a big show of being as vile and hateful as possible.

Surely there must be a happy medium somewhere? .... lets call it "sanity-land" lol.
:D idk man, it seems facile to reduce all ru's problems to the fact that it gives toxic people an equal right to use the server. there's so many other factors at play -- age & demographics of the players (older people with less time & less base familiarity with computer stuff to jump in & make contributions, not like all these young pups nowadays who grow up learning programming and making apps and crap) + all the many other barriers to entry like the age/obscurity of the game & the ocean of competing entertainment it's up against, pc compatibility issues, hosting issues, the learning curve of the game itself, etc, + the compounding of all these unaddressed issues over time (an ounce of prevention blah blah). undoubtedly we would have a larger community at this moment if so many players weren't so cliquish & exclusive to newbies, but that isn't really the same thing as the handful of ultra toxic people we're talking about & speaks to a larger problem (discussed below)

most likely war2 will never have a big initiative to update & modernize the server & playing experience since there's just not enough time/interest/ability/leadership available to pull it off; that's ok, it's good that it's available now (and for the most part holding together) for the small group of people who enjoy it & for whom it's nostalgic. (and frankly, anyone who thinks it really matters much either way is kidding themselves about the greater question of the tenability of 21st century capitalism for even another couple hundred years...)

personally, i also like the non-hypocrisy of allowing everyone the opportunity to play here. the modern mindset treats "toxic" people as if they are lesser human beings and takes great pleasure in ridiculing, shunning & ejecting them from on or offline communities. well, that's exactly the same thing that bigots are being shunned & rejected for doing, so how does that make sense? all this does is segregate human beings into two opposed populations that are constantly at each other's throats. when someone is so warped by the world they live in to have the kind of heinous & hateful attitudes that bigots have, the onus is on the rest of the (supposedly more "high-minded") population to not likewise stoop down to that same level (since it's apparently so easy to do & all these awful people should know better, right?) & instead do their best to understand & rehabilitate their peers. the only way to do that is by integrating & interacting with them, not by telling them to get the hell off your war2 lawn.

as an example, we've had great luck allowing everyone equal right to use the discord & also keeping it from devolving into a cesspool by simply availing ourselves of the modern permissions system it provides. that could easily be done in war2 too by upgrading to the latest version of pvpgn which seems to have much better muting features right out of the box

Server may not be dead but I’ll say those attacks definitely lowered the user base.
i doubt that, people who have played here for 10 years aren't going to just quit because they couldn't log in a few times. minor week-to-week fluctuations are hardly anything to go by

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #37 on: October 18, 2018, 01:28:27 PM »
i mean i wouldnt mind regulating against some of the racist shit but i know that if we banned someone for it then immediately a dozen other fingers would get pointed saying this person said this thing, that person said that, amd while we could continue judging and making calls on all that stuff i dont think the players would enjoy being micromanaged that way whatsoever.

It's fine to shut down bigots though.  being "bigoted" against bigotry is a made up whine from racist people.  bigots aren't a protected or vulnerable class and being a bigot is not an immovable part of a person's identity

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #38 on: October 18, 2018, 05:23:57 PM »
what on earth am I looking at here?  ???

Offline mousEtopher

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #39 on: October 24, 2018, 11:59:28 AM »
It's fine to shut down bigots though.  being "bigoted" against bigotry is a made up whine from racist people.  bigots aren't a protected or vulnerable class and being a bigot is not an immovable part of a person's identity
disagree, it's entirely possible to oppose bigotry without employing it oneself. the problem rests entirely in the collectivized standards of culture being viewed as legitimization for having hateful/disparaging attitudes against x group of people, and this is clearly done on both sides. "hate" is a question of individual preference, so there's either the standard that it's acceptable to hate other human beings for arbitrary reasons, or there's not. you're either upholding this standard with the words & actions that you direct towards other people, or you're not. it's right & proper to oppose harmful attitudes & behaviors, but self-defeating to do it by dehumanizing & vilifying the individual.

nice to see you here again @Yamon !!

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #40 on: October 24, 2018, 12:39:48 PM »
There's no such thing as "bigotry" against racism though, and it's not arbitrary to attack racists.  That doesnt make any sense and sounds more like it's coddling hate than rising above it.  Maybe im not understanding?

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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #41 on: October 24, 2018, 12:59:37 PM »
Quote from: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart)
It's fine to shut down bigots though.  being "bigoted" against bigotry is a made up whine from racist people.  bigots aren't a protected or vulnerable class and being a bigot is not an immovable part of a person's identity


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Re: tupac dealing final blow to War2
« Reply #42 on: October 25, 2018, 09:29:55 AM »
OK first I'd like to say that I'm not one to point the finger at anyone else for the quality or style of their unpaid volunteer/hobby activities. I'm aware that even low levels of admin/event event co-ordination etc. can take up a large amount of your personal time. I'm glad there is anywhere left we can all play WC2 and thank anyone volunteering their time and effort to that end. I certainly don't have the time or personal resources to run a server so I'm  glad there are still people who do.

:D idk man, it seems facile to reduce all ru's problems to the fact that it gives toxic people an equal right to use the server. there's so many other factors at play......

Well THB really don't think the has a lot of problems at all:

Moron attacks aside, it has a reliable server that is almost never down, a nice stable easily installed client, a great website with lots of interesting stuff (plus the russian site which I can't understand but looks to have some cool features and a community), it has an active and technically reliable forum, discord, twitch, the status page is great, and 99 times out of 100 it all basically does what it should. Yes I agree a PvPGN update might be nice, but really the old system pretty much is-what-it-is.

The issue I see is one of one of the community. There are simply fewer and fewer people playing. There's players who love and play the game actively leaving, and really hardly any genuine newbies to speak of.

I myself have occasionally spent time playing stupid little ad-ridden browser games etc. Every day there are millions of bored people clicking of their web-browsers looking for something to play, but the few that end up here don't seem to stay long. Why not?

The best situation for a healthy server that is sustainable or even growing is that it should ALWAYS have some noobs, which means that there would also be noobs playing all the time.

That's right ... noobs in YOUR games! ... All the time! ... put one on each team and get them playing. Every single game. This would be perfect situation, but right now there aren't enough noobs to go round.

A balanced game with some good and some new players is a PRO GAME with a good host.

8 people constantly joining one game while 2 or 4 people play and the rest watch .... WTH? go make another game, if you're lucky you might get some noobs to join too!

   ..... personally, i also like the non-hypocrisy of allowing everyone the opportunity to play here. the modern mindset treats "toxic" people as if they are lesser human beings and takes great pleasure in ridiculing, shunning & ejecting them from on or offline communities. well, that's exactly the same thing that bigots are being shunned & rejected for doing, so how does that make sense? all this does is segregate human beings into two opposed populations that are constantly at each other's throats....

I absolutely want the toxic people to play. I would never see any group of people leaving the game as at all desirable. I want everyone to play. We are the community ... all of us that are still playing. The community isn't anyone's idea of what it should be, it is the people, it's us.

IMHO the cohesion and permiability of this group is the most important and pretty much only major issue with the game- server- whatever.

I firmly believe that there IS a happy medium where all of us can co-exist, attract new players, and enjoy the game, and when anyone ... really ANYONE ... for whatever reason, decides to leave the community it is a big FAIL and LOSE for us all.

I generally try to be civil when I'm playing, but over the years I have sometimes got into arguments with people - I have hurled abuse - I have sent nasty messages, raged, BSed and been a fully toxic dick. It happens. But we ALL should just be a tiny bit aware that we actually want people to play this game, yes even the one's you don't like, and not be SO nasty that they leave.

Just use some common sense. There are always going to be people you don't like in any group. Just talk normally to them when you have to - for procedural stuff or whatever, but apart from that just leave them alone. Grown-ups do that ffs.

For those few brain-damaged permenantly toxic children, I think it's up to the rest of us - amins, players, whatever, just all of us - to let them know by whatever means available when they are way over the line and should pull their heads in.

Regardless of what anyone's personal philosopy is on anything, the fact is that by any means: making people leave the community is damaging the group and therefore doing the wrong thing by the community.

  • If we made the place so politically-correct and puritanical that someone had such a bad time with the atmosphere that they actually left, this would be damaging to the community.
  • If we allowed anyone to be so consistantly and deliberately toxic that someone else had such a bad time that they left the community, this would also be damaging to our community.

These things would indicate that the situation has damaged the community. The exact correct/most desirable path may be a subject for opinion and arbitration but the fact that it lies somewhere in between these extremes is IMHO undeniable.

...... i doubt that, people who have played here for 10 years aren't going to just quit because they couldn't log in a few times. minor week-to-week fluctuations are hardly anything to go by

Definately not. I don't think the bot attacks made any real difference to anything, they're just a symptom or the underlying tension in the community that IS having an effect... I think we had better turn that chill in the air into the teensy little wake-up call and all just start leaning a bit in the realistic direction.

Whatever the atmosphere in our community is, there sure isn't a line of new people waiting to get in.

Awesome game.  Great sever.  So why not?
its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!