Author Topic: The Legends Of Warcraft II  (Read 7149 times)

Offline O4L

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The Legends Of Warcraft II
« on: February 16, 2015, 10:11:46 PM »
"Warcraft 2 is dieing" those words kept echoing in his ears. BuRnT didn't want to believe it. He wanted to bring the players
back together again and have the server full and make the Warcraft 2 Festival VII the most historic of all. This time it lasting
the entire month of July and having tournaments each weekend finally ending with the big Tournament Of Champions to crown the champion
of 2015. Things were not looking so good though. The usual people were online but many of the legends were missing. It was 10 minutes
until the Tournament Of Champions start time and BuRnT began making the grid. He was happy to see many top players competing but still upset
that dellam managed to win a qualifying tournament and people were questioning the legitimacy of the tournament.

1. BHC-Jesk vs.
2. Rat

3. IAmBanMan vs.
4. Braviet

5. Szwagier vs.
6. Knitterhemd

7. Dellam vs.
8. Its_Hot_In_Herr

9. [24-7]Joker vs.
10. Shotgun

11. LuX vs.
12. alf-attack

13. StarTale vs.
14. 00Joe

15. Wargasm vs.
16. GanzTheLegend

BuRnT posted the brackets onto the forums and made the announcement that they were up in his profile. Then he noticed a whisper
in the chat box.

Swift: come to the chamber BuRnT

BuRnT entered the chamber channel where he saw Swift, Viruz, and Equinox sitting alone before everything became dark. BuRnT's ears
started to ring with the sounds of war2. "ZUG ZUG YES ME LORD,, FOR THE HORDE!" over and over. The next thing he knew he was inside
the world of warcraft 2! Sitting around him a Knight, Paladin, Archer, Peasant, Dwarven, and a Mage.

BuRnT: What the hell did I just take!

The mage began to talk

Mage: This is real BuRnT. It is I, YWFN and the rest of the Warcraft 2 Council and we need your help! The evil Equinox has casted
a spell on us all and trapped us here inside the game while he plots to have Dellam win the Tournament Of Champions and destroy
Warcraft 2 forever. They have captured both Viruz and Swift and are absorbing their skills to dellam and creating a superhack.

Paladin (Blid): It is true BuRnT. Everything we have worked so hard on is about to be destroyed.

BuRnT: There has to be a way to stop it!

YWFN: There is only one way. The great Azteca predicted this day years ago. We must find the Portal and travel to the Tournament Finals.
It will be up to us to stop Dellam and his superhack from winning the Tournament Of Champions. There will be many obstacles ahead and
many battles before us but if the prophecy is true then he can be stopped! Follow me to the circle of power we must move fast!

::The Warcraft 2 Council enter the circle of power and are transported to a new land. The Plains of Snow. The entire town is on fire::

tk: It's too late. We need to just find a way out of this.

YWFN: It's not to late whoever did this cannot be too far away. Look over there by that gold mine

::A group of trolls are guarding two footman who are surrounded by walls. The Council charges in slaughtering the axemen and freeing the
footman who reveal they are Nerzy and Nalzyman::

Nerzy: Equinox has captured all of the legends and is planning to sink them to the bottom of the fierce ocean. I know the passage way
through the Bridge To Bridge Combat but its guarded heavily by the orcs.

Nalzy: Nerzy I don't trust these guys we need to save them on our own.

Nerzy: Listen Nalzy we cannot take on Equinox's army alone. You see what happened last time we tried. If we want to escape this game then
we need their help. They saved us we owe them.

::A announcement appears that Round 2 is ready::

1. BHC-Jesk vs.
2. Braviet

3. Szwagier vs.
4. Dellam

5. Shotgun vs.
6. LuX

7. StarTale vs.
8. GanzTheLegend

YWFN: Take us to the Bridge!

::Nerzy and Nalzy lead the Council to the next circle of power which transports them to the Bridge To Bridge Combat that is covered with
Equinox's army who spots them. They begin to fight through. They see a huge amount of orcs heading their way and begin to take off
running through the land. Blid spots the circle of power ahead. Nerzy and Nalzy fight off the army while the others jump to the new land ahead.
Finally Nerzy tells Nalzy they need to go before it's too late. Nerzy hops onto the circle and then Nalzy begins to run towards it before running
over a rune and exploding. The sound of the church echoes before the council and they know that the legend didn't make it::

YWFN: search the island for the legends

::The group begins to look around but nobody is here. Then a transport pulls up and a grizzled man steps out::

Warhammer: I know which island the legends are on. Get in my boat and I will take you to them

::They hop into the transport and are traveling across the sea when suddenly four juggernauts appear and surround the boat. They are delivered
to the next island and dropped off where Equinox is standing with hundreds of other orcs. Warhammer asks him for his gold for bringing him the council
Equinox laughs and tells Warhammer to get back into his ship. As soon as he steps inside the juggernauts shoot it down and the church bells sound::

Equinox: This game is run by me now and the council will be no more. The war2 legends will die and so will the server when my superhack is complete
and Dellam wins the tournament. Watch now as your precious game is destroyed.

::Yahmon, ArchAngel, Foonat, Pimster, GuanYu, Axolotl, KithKanin, Tabac, and Tillerman are sunk to the bottom of the sea and the church bells sound::

Equinox: Every one of your heros have been destroyed now lets put this stupid game to rest!

::The Orcs grab ahold of the council and begin to take them towards a transport when a sudden death n decay begins to appear all over attacking the orcs.
Five Death Knights coming riding in blasting coils all over! Its the Divine Intervention. Azteca, KHB, Scrubbo, Ash, and Tarquinn battle with Equinox's army::

::A announcement appears that round 3 is ready::

1. BHC-Jesk vs.
2. Dellam

3. Shotgun vs.
4. GanzTheLegend

::Equinox summons the dragons who have the entire island surrounded::


::Nerzyman charges at Equinox before getting fire breathed to death by the dragons. (DI) then unleash a multi cast of tornados around the island::

Azteca: Go to the Portal!!

::The Council runs to the portal as the dragons make their way through the storm and kill off the death knights. The church bells sound as a new announcement appears::


1. Dellam vs.
2. GanzTheLegend

::The Council appears in the middle of the Garden of War in game 7 of the finals. GanzTheLegend is only receiving half of his resources collected! The superhack
has already been taking into effect. Dellam is beginning to expand around the map. Ganz has 11, 9, s9 and Dellam has 12,2,3 and is moving towards 4. He throws up a new hall at 4 and Lightbringer charges in and explodes into the hall. Dellam sends a group of grunts on patrol after noticing the new observers in the game. TK and Blid sneak into 12's back where Dellam is chopping to a new mine and attack the wood choppers. Mousetopher takes cover in Ganz's base. YWFN and BuRnT see the grunts heading their way from each side of the path::

YWFN: Save yourself!

::YWFN casts a invisible spell on BuRnT who escapes to Ganz's base::

::Dellam starts to build another hall at 4 and iL throws up a barrack blocking the gold flow before lusted ogres finish off another council member. He then sends a dragon to s9 and mousetopher comes in trying to make the save before being killed::

Blid: come on tk lets attack 4!

::Blid and TK run down to 4 but are met by the blood lusted ogres and are taken out of the game::

::The battle continues and every goldmine is used up and each player has finished off their gold. All that
remains is GanzTheLegend with a death knight and Dellam with a catapult. Then Equinox comes through the portal and runs down and coils
BuRnT! Ganz sends a coil killing off Equinox and the catapult shoots towards Ganz. Right in the knick of time Ganz raises the dead BuRnT making a skeleton who charges and kills off Dellams catapult!::



The Warcraft 2 Legends all appeared back in the main channel and began playing Warcraft 2 again from that day forward.


Where are they now?

GanzTheLegend was the first player entered into the hall of fame in 2022 and became a world wide celebrity after that event. It turns out a reporter from FOX happened to be stumbling on the server recording games and brought the game to nation wide fame when posting all of the games on television.

YWFN continued playing Warcraft 2, reuniting with Azteca and DI rebuilding the dominate team.

Lightbringer- and iL went on to finally figure out a Warcraft 2 Anti-Hack.

Equinox apologized for his actions and started up a UWC League for new players.

Dellam moved on to trying to destroy Starcraft

Blid saved American obesity with his vegetarian campaign.

TK hosted all future festivals and continued admin duties.

BuRnT was never heard from again after the Festival VII. Some say he went to prison. Others think he just started smurfing. Those who were present that day though think he still may be stuck inside the game.

« Last Edit: February 16, 2015, 10:43:09 PM by x-DW-x)BuRnT( »

Offline SmurfKinG

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Re: The Legends Of Warcraft II
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2015, 11:15:00 PM »

rofl @ warhammer betraying for a reward... fits his profile alright  :)

« Last Edit: February 16, 2015, 11:20:23 PM by SmurfKinG »

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Re: The Legends Of Warcraft II
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2015, 12:00:27 AM »

-Administrator of Clan EviL
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Re: The Legends Of Warcraft II
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2015, 02:14:21 AM »
the story is too long for me to read, but i really LOL'ed at ywfn being a mage and lightbringer being a dwarf exploder. <3 <3 <3 <3

Offline Winchester

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Re: The Legends Of Warcraft II
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2015, 08:06:44 AM »
Ywfn shall always be the wise old mage  in game and on the forums. :P

Lol at Dellam moving on to destroy Starcraft. if he moved on, would it be SC1 or SC2 that he moved to? :D

And of course Ganz will live on as the legend who won the game with 1 Raised skeleton left!

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Re: The Legends Of Warcraft II
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2015, 02:15:07 PM »
this thread should be stickied!

..for a little while!

Offline GaNzTheLegend

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Re: The Legends Of Warcraft II
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2015, 10:06:17 PM »
This was awesome, and not just because I won lol.
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Re: The Legends Of Warcraft II
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2015, 06:57:08 AM »
lol. good stuff. ...but no,i will not be hosting all future festivals. the first gow/ef tourny i hosted was   difficult enough :D