yeah sadly idk how u can stop the death because the current playerbase cant stick around eventually will have to get burnt out / take a break.
all of my games are like that doom,quakelive shit loads of games we have today.the young generation playing thier shit.
me and my 1 cousin is all that plays anykind of rts.
Well brotha when i does my engineer sound diplome i get a marketing lesson at same time and let me tell you the actual admins dint know nothing about marketing.
It's not about how old the game is, it's all bout marketing and only marketing, if you go on age of empire 2 you can see everyday around 2500 players log on.
This game totally die because of our actual selfish retard admins.
They think they did good but since ten years it's the same pattern and keep believe they do right, it's just some illusions.
At same time you gonna see some morons who keep supporting them ( the admins ) and they finally and only contribute on this pathetic pattern.
Sorry to tell you.