To the BNET party, even those people that hallucinate their position in the world based upon a video game.
Do teeth sting, if they bite your leg? And what ferocity is this, that the leg doesn't altogether come off?
You say to yourselves, we are supreme, because we have come to a know-how of a game that is ancient. Even beyond the creation of the earth for ancientness. Therefore we will be prolific with our mouths, and our tongue will journey far, even creating hostile comments to one another.
Is the lake destitute of fish? Is there no companion that can best you at this game? Are you alone venturing for knowledge of this game?
Does it profit a fish to look into a shark's mouth and be eaten, before he realizes what he is? For so an untimely death will come upon all, unless they come to repentance, as the scripture says. And what remark of savage is it that you think you can escape the hand of the bible?