Author Topic: KANCA is here to rock your bull$!-.i&  (Read 8830 times)

Offline kanca

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Re: KANCA is here to rock your bull$!-.i&
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2017, 02:35:44 AM »
yeah i agree, i acted a bit rash... but your speaking from a position, you wasn't being harassed, cyberbullied. and people was switching accounts whispering me.  We can argue all day about different perspective, a wrong don't make a right, is ur moral stand point so far.  I alrdy posted it, but i'll say it again.  I've seen innocent people die on the street about false rumours.  Innocent people dead for no reason...  That 1 rumor escalated into chaos.  Every jumped on board, with no proof.  You might say a simpleton answer, we asked why u was flag'd... no thats what you choose to believe.  I was not asked, I was bullied, and banned.  No1 once said...  KanCa why are you unknown?  Can you give me a screen shot right fast.  No, people never ask me for screen shots, becuz its obvisous i don't hack.. it was rumor that started over "unknown" and people chose to believe it.. you say those screen shots there are 10yrs old...  dude i haven't even been playing, til the past couple months... you want screen shots of the time stamps on my computer? showing the times they were taken lol...

The only time I was asked for a screen shot was by a smurf, who paused/unpaused that bullshit, total disrespect, i was down to my last building, and he said... this is your last building?  I said you already know it is.  He stop'd attacking it.  I alt tab'd out, hit ctrl v, in paint, and it was blurry, i alt tab'd back in, and he killed me alrdy.  After talking shit, enticing me to anger, a cussing me of bullshit. 

another thing.. what happens when you get attacked?  you automatically defend yourselves right?  after several days of that cyber bullying bullshit, i got to the point I was defending myself.  Yeah i talked shit, i had every right to.  Mayb i could of toned it down a notch, but if you want to be an ass, you usually get an ass.

Those screen shots, where randomly taken by accident through out the the times dated, with like 5 on each day.  Becuz while i play i accidently hit print screen.  By you contesting the efforts of someone who is trying to take the time, to dismiss this bullshit, is bullshit.  N if you think for one minute i'ma get attacked, and not defend myself your wrong.  You messing with the wrong one.  I try to host games, and keep war2 going, I enjoy the game, i love it.   I never had any problems til the "unknown" than i have to defend myself... maybe if the players had sense to speak correctly, and play the game with manners, and ask for a screen shot yeah np...  i haven't even been ask for a screen shot, but 1 time, and the dude was an total ass hole.  He killed my last building, while i was alt tab'd... so for you to say.. post the screen shots, people asked for... !@#!@$%^^ they didn't ask for any, its just s rumor.  The guy with the smurf account, probbly was yamon. 

Yeah I don't know what that stream is or w/e.  tbh Idc what it is... if someone wants to have manners and play a game correctly, and ask for a screen shot, i have always encouraged it.

Ever since i started playing again, I alway told people to ask me for a screenshot whenever u like, and i'll post it for u, no1 asked period. 

Back to the smurf guy, he was the first time someone asked, and if your going to pause/unpause,pause,unpause.  cuss, yell in a sense, entice anger, and be like this is your last building? stop attacking it, than when i alt tab'd out, i told my partner, i'ma pull up that screen shot, it was blurry, it said player RESUMED game, so i assumed it was blurry from that resume, but it was to late... i was alrdy dead....

Just like when they asked lethal for a screen shot, very similar. Dude pause, unpaused, pause unpaused, soon as it was unpaused, we all disconnected.  a lil different but in a manner that who the fuck even should have to deal with that. 

If you want a screen shot, np, all i ask is don't be a fucking ass.  N the very fact u make a statement like these screenshots are ten years old, shows your a simpleton too.  You rather cause someone hell with a simple statement, instead of doing what you are requesting. Spend some time, and examine the screenshots, and than politely ask, i can't see the times on these, can u show me the times? oh well yes kind sir, i can do that for you.

you war2 players think your gonna get honey with vinegar... <---wrong one.

Offline kanca

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Re: KANCA is here to rock your bull$!-.i&
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2017, 02:40:10 AM »
and another thing.. lol xD, why the hell would i waste my time, doing this, if i was wrong...  Its like in court, if you have someone saying they did this that this that this that, and the other person is saying nonononononono, to even teh simplest thing, the judge is going to say, your just saying no.  There has to be at least one yes in here some where.  So than the judge starts looking at the person as all the no's are yes's.  Okay, i'm sitting here posted threads, long long long posts, explaining the situation... The very thought of just dismissing the heart i put into that... is stupid on your part.

and ever since i told scorpin, he has been put on notice, being held responsible for his harrassment, he apologized, and said lets start fresh.  So in return i'm not oging to post his cyber bullying comments, which are quite harsh...

sx-5 when i first met him, he said i was banned from all his games... than he turned around had to join my game to play, and said i'm sorry kanca, forgive me? i said yeah np.  Than we became best friends... what did he do today, let 1game, piss him off so bad, he said your ban from all my games, and he turned into a loser hardcore. n scorpin was enticing him, hell they was enticing each other.

Don't talk to me if your gonna be a simpleton. don't reply to my posts, if your gonna put little thought into it.  Don't bother contesting my knowledge with stupidity.

Offline kanca

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Re: KANCA is here to rock your bull$!-.i&
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2017, 02:43:55 AM »
telling me directions, to further prove my self, how about i give you further direction, to find gold in a iceberg.  :thumbsup:
Than when you figure out it isn't any in an iceberg, how about I tell you to find gold in a desert.

your advice is that valuable to me, mousey alrdy told me about the stream thing... i'm not going to do anymore.. Getting this account, and finding those screenshots that have been taking random times by accident proves i don't hack... just becuz a loser started this mess... I will continue to collect cyber bullying comments, and one day i'ma post them in the other thread. just for kicks.

Offline Winchester

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Re: KANCA is here to rock your bull$!-.i&
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2017, 04:05:26 AM »
but your speaking from a position, you wasn't being harassed, cyberbullied.

Everyone accused me of being someone who attempted to hijack the server&forums when i first registered on the forums. I offered to talk on teamspeak and then show my face on cam if necessary and was still attacked. So you're wrong there.

people was switching accounts whispering me

Don't try and deny the fact that you were threatening people under the names  asdfjkl and Conquest after you got banned from the next game due to your behaviour.

You might say a simpleton answer, we asked why u was flag'd... no thats what you choose to believe.  I was not asked, I was bullied, and banned

I asked you and you raged at me. I only began to call you a hacker because you refused to answer the question  and insisted on talking about banging peoples mothers instead. You wern't banned for no reason, koorb asked you why are you unknown, you continued raging, he said answer or be banned next, you said you'll answer to his mother. He said k enjoy ur ban.

You put yourself in that predicament, no one else did, you were asked legitimate questions, you avoided it (even more suspicious) and chose to be a dick  as a response without answering the question, what the hell did you think was going to happen?

There was no "everyone jumped on board with no proof" they all saw you flagged, its not some plan conspired by bhc-master telling everyone about you, nobody likes him, specially not enough to believe anything that comes out of his mouth. People check the AH regularly, they saw you flagged, not as a HACKER, but UNKNOWN, and decided to ask you about it. You chose to go the BHC-master route and roid rage at everything and everyone including the next person to ask you normally, don't act like you did nothing wrong

what happens when you get attacked?  you automatically defend yourselves right?

Your problem is you think everything is a personal attack straight away  and are too quick to defend yourself as if you are being attacked rather then asked a serious question.

You strike me as the type who would not comply with a police officer and would then call them racist for pulling you over, even if you were the same race.

You can choose to make the situation harder or easier, you're only choosing to make it more difficult.

telling me directions, to further prove my self, how about i give you further direction, to find gold in a iceberg.  :thumbsup:
Than when you figure out it isn't any in an iceberg, how about I tell you to find gold in a desert.

your advice is that valuable to me,

I offered you a genuine thing you could've done or at least offered to people to warvid/stream your games to make make all these people who in your words are attacking you with no proof and for no reason (Totally untrue BTW) be less suspicious of you until the UNKNOWN thing settles down. But if you want to be a tool about it, be my guest.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 04:08:33 AM by Winchester »

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Re: KANCA is here to rock your bull$!-.i&
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2017, 10:06:14 AM »
hi kanca, welcome to the forum. you can also post your sss @ where they will be auto-converted so more people can view them (not everyone has pcx viewer installed)

Offline O4L

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Re: KANCA is here to rock your bull$!-.i&
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2017, 09:49:50 PM »
@Winchester What name are you playing on these days?

Offline RipE[Eur0]

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Re: KANCA is here to rock your bull$!-.i&
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2017, 06:17:03 PM »
kanca m8.

bhc-master is a well known hacker. has always been. ko0rb is just a cunt wh0 everyb0dy hates. dont care about them whining.

ps. " /ignore "

v. usefull command.