Author Topic: Changing wc2 map objective  (Read 6774 times)

Offline Quinn

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Changing wc2 map objective
« on: April 26, 2017, 04:17:13 PM »
Hello, I've been working on a series of maps and I'm having trouble in setting the mission's objective.
I use the default editor to build the levels, I also use "War2xEd" in order to set the enemies' AI, and finally I use a restricting tool in order to prevent the player/computer from building certain units/buildings.

However, I'm having difficulty in changing the map's objective from the default "destroy enemy forces".
I'm planning some maps to have "get unit X to the circle of power" , "hero X must survive" , "destroy the dark portal , "kill unit x" , "rescue unit X"  and so on.

Even in the first Starcraft's editor that was achievable via "victory conditions", I understand that the default wc2 editor lacks this function, which brings me to the question: is there a tool that can accomplish this task?

Any help is highly appreciated, (I apologize if this is in the wrong forum, I'm new to the community)

Offline Quinn

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Re: Changing wc2 map objective
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2017, 06:23:57 PM »
for single player yes..salvadorc was working on this,for multi idk.

he was making a editor for it but idk if its released.

hopefully he is still around.

how i done mine was mpq editor and put your pud as the mission u wanted..say a circle of power map and save it.then your .sav will have the circle of power.

Thank you for your reply. Yes I am planning to modify the objectives for single player maps. However replacing maps in the mpq doesn't exactly solve the problem if the EXACT objective that I require doesn't exist in any mission, for instance : "move gul'dan to the circle of power and daemon must survive", so any ideas how to solve this?
« Last Edit: April 26, 2017, 06:32:29 PM by Quinn »

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Re: Changing wc2 map objective
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2017, 09:38:17 PM »
This is as far as I got,1956.0.html

I think there is much more on the pud side to look into. I was able to create 4 farms and a barracks and get win, on any campaign map. I think if this is possible you would need an exe to pull it off. My idea could be totally wrong and it's possible something on the map side would trigger the mission objectives. Somewhere down the line I would like to continue the project because it would make war2 more of an rpg.

Well the link is above if you want to play with it or ask any questions.

Offline Quinn

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Re: Changing wc2 map objective
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2017, 03:18:05 AM »
This is as far as I got,1956.0.html

I think there is much more on the pud side to look into. I was able to create 4 farms and a barracks and get win, on any campaign map. I think if this is possible you would need an exe to pull it off. My idea could be totally wrong and it's possible something on the map side would trigger the mission objectives. Somewhere down the line I would like to continue the project because it would make war2 more of an rpg.

Well the link is above if you want to play with it or ask any questions.

Thank you for your reply, but I didn't really understand what you meant by the "exe", are you telling me that I need to edit an "exe" file? cause that's difficult.
Besides from what I understood that's just using the actual campaign levels' objectives and not creating your own (kinda no different that replacing the maps in mpq file).
My question is can you create your own objectives in any way and then apply them to a single player map? and if so how? or what tool?