Hello guys, I have a problem with Acts music. I just installed combat edition + music fix (in order to listen warcraft 2 sountrack) from the main website. Every sound/music hears perfectly. The only problem is whenever it shows a new act, for example: Act I Shores of Lordaeron it doesn't sound anything just like did the original version of the game. Is there someway to fix this little problem?
This problem is caused in CombatEdition just only. In Warcraft2 Battlenet edition (nostalgic 2.0), this music for each Act sounds perfectly, but it doesn't play any music (either main menu or human/orcs soundtrack).
I would appreciate some help if you knows how to fix it. Regards.
This is the intended behavior. War2combat has all music removed to save space. war2music.exe restores four of the music tracks that are played in the levels, nothing else. The nostalgia version has the music for the act screens because it wasn't removed in the first place. Could maybe restore this music back into war2combat in the future depending on how much additional space it would require.
That's actually more files that needs to be added for the campaign. Those sounds needs placed in the install.exe.
Just copy the install.exe from the war2 cd and you should have all videos, voices, music, breifings.
I just did what you said about copying Install.exe from original cd, but it doesn't fix the problem. I guess there is a problem with a file from installation of combat edition.
No, it definitely works, I've done it in my own copy. nvm you're right, yes regular music but no act screen music. If you've gone to the trouble to download a copy of war2bne could just use that for the purest singleplayer experience.
My friend you are indeed so right. Just I would like to know , instead of act screen music, could be possible if can be added the extra 2 musics added into battle net edition for each race? I mean, when I play the copy of battle net edition I listen 2 extra musics for either orc or human campaigns. The war2 music fix file it doesn't have those extra musics. I may ask if can be added those 2 extra tracks to download from main website in en.war2.ru/downloads.
This is a great game, indeed was a outstanding part of my childrenhood. Still gives me nostalgic to play campaigns nowadays and I hope you too including all this comunity. I was asking if can be fixed this little troubles of act screen music & extra 2 tracks for each campaign because war2 Combat edition is a way better portable edition. The only difference with an original copy of battle net edition are videos included in 4 campaigns, that's why it makes it so heavy to install "I guess". So it could be perfect in every sense this portable edition it could fix these only 2 problems with the musics.
Oh and my final question is about artificial intelligence. I have noticed over years, There are problems with artificial intelligence in campaigns over certain missions. A little example, when I played DOS version many years ago, I noticed some defects in AI's. For example, some times while I was playing the missions the computer just stopped attacking and only getting gold for ever (no challenge) and the only way to restore it was playing the mission again. Another example, in certain missions the computer blocks his own Oil tankers (orcs) so he won't upgrade his own ships or even attack me. Into this last point, I just saw SOMETIMES the instructions of AI worked well because computer started to do a non-stop attack with transports but it just really works sometimes... All those troubles could be fixed only either restarting mission OR saving game/restart the game from DOS. It's something really confusing to me because it was showing how many defects the AI had in the original DOS version... About all these previous situations, I would like to ask if anybody knows, are those defects have been fixed in the last versions from battle net edition? Or even more, is there some special tool to fix these problems for AI into the campaigns? I just read there is an option in the CombatEdition installer to improve the AI ONLY for custom games against AI, but I would like to know if there are fixes for AI in campaigns.
I'm sorry if I'm speaking incorrectly, this isn't my native language. Regards