Anything is possible, the problem isnt the possibility. The problem is computing power. No computer on this planet, whether its run by Google's AI or not, can compete with a human brain in speed of decision making based on a variable set of parameters. The ONLY arena a computer can win in, is when the parameters are no longer variable. So how do you take the "Variable'ness" out of the equation? Simple, math. Math is not variable. Either it is, or it isnt equal. There is no in between. That is how AI works. It works out math problems until it finds the lowest or highest answer (or whatever the situation calls for), and that is how it determines what to do. So if you can put in enough algorithms, you can cover every single possibility. BUT, to do that, you need trillions of equations and to do that requires computing power that is not currently available yet. This type of power likely will never be available until Nano technology is at least 150 years old and we are not even close to Nano technology yet (that is modifying atoms at the atomic level). Think, star trek food materializer thingy. That is nano technology. There have been some theorists that say Nano technology in its infancy would be available by 2040, but I think that is just ludicrous. I wouldnt put it any closer than 2140.
Moral of the story: Dont believe everything you read, even if it comes from google.