Equinox is basically the new Sly, Sly always attacked everyone and spammed and that's why he got banned, Who hasn't Equinox attacked yet in his posts? He's picked more fights then Mike Tyson returns on these forums alone (and has continued to even after blids warning) and has posted on numerous threads with new people telling them to not play this game and to get off the server.
The guy harassed an admin into not coming to these forums anymore, that says all you need to know about this guy. And now he's trying to do the same to IL by calling a guy who barely plays the game a "Supreme hacker" and attack all his work he does for the server. Granted IL probably doesn't take it serious or even care, but Equinox is literally trying to bully him because he knows he isn't gonna fight back.
If he wants to be taken seriously by anyone, (It'll take more for me to take him serious but for other peoples sake) he should stop doing exactly what he's complaining about. Plain and simple.