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Messages - Rit

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 17
1 / Re: War2 on a Pentium 2 with Windows 98
« on: March 19, 2025, 10:39:20 PM »
It’s really just the RU server. I cant access the server because of the operating system.

2 / War2 on a Pentium 2 with Windows 98
« on: March 17, 2025, 07:35:55 PM »
Does anyone know how to get around playing the current version on a Pentium 2 with Windows 98?

3 / Re: Top 5 chop
« on: October 10, 2021, 10:39:51 PM »
Not active, but I would throw Claw in there somewhere.

4 / Re: Fastlane Friday
« on: August 13, 2021, 09:53:39 PM »
TBH Rit I like the enthusiasm.

But I need to tell you honestly your not going to get the player base to start playing maps like "archers" and "mini bgh."
I get it your more of a customs guy but I will stay try and stick to chop farms. That will keep people interested.

Well, I will admit that this event didn't quite turn out the way I wanted it to.  However, we did have a few games tonight that I'm okay with.  We played a Mini BGH 8 Player FFA (with 5 of us and some comps).  Even played a little Arena.  It turned out to be pretty fun.  My goal with this event was to draw attention to some players that haven't played in a while and not to the current player base.  The current player base is going to do what it always does which is play GOW and Chop Farms. 

We had one old player that knew about the event and got on to play.  The one we played the Archers game with.  They got frustrated, wondered how we were building so fast, and then logged off.  I think this is an important realization as to why we are unable to hold onto new players or players that haven't played in a very long time. 

When I first started playing on the RU server, there used to be a ton of custom players.  We'd play BGH maps, Archers, Chop Mad, 62 Peons, etc.  This was my target for this event.  Mafia, thorn_heart_, shanona413, ReallyFast, Claw, Silent, Masta{HR}, JaRo{HR}, mousEtopher, Hayley, Mutiny, NaPROxen-, Allegra-, Ibuprofen-, ZoLoFt-, Flea (who still plays), Fat~Budz, SlaPPy, SuicideGirl, Werk, NightPM, ZaXo, Flush, and the list can go on and on.  With the exception of Flea, none of them play anymore.  Heck, I would have been okay with some old BNE players getting on.  And I would have played those maps too.  Looking back on all of those names, I believe they all just got older and moved on with their lives, which is pretty much what happened to me.  Which is why I haven't played in quite some time and barely get to play now. 

It's not that I'm against GOW and Chop Farms.  But this game is and will always be more than just those two maps to me personally.  I'm all for advertising the game as a whole. 

In general, there's not much sense in me trying to draw in a player base that is already there because they are simply just going to play anyway.  And with Archers and Mini BgH tonight, we did get players.  So it's not that no one wants to play these maps.

By the way, I do appreciate the fact that you made a point to try to participate in this event.  I accept this failure in promoting an event and see it as something to learn from so that the next one I promote will possibly be better. 

Lol duda start a random map league and now everyone wanna do random map, ''random map ladder'' '' random map fastlane '', you guys are fucking piece of useless joke,  let duda do his own things and stop trying to do same as him, be creative or gtfo.

Alright EQ. Before, I was just going to ignore and pretend you're not there.  But I've had a few bananas tonight so let's do this.  We all know you EQ.  You complain about everything.  "Admins should be doing this and doing that but I'll just do nothing but complain."  "You steal this from this person."  "Who is Rit? He some monkey that the admin got from jungle to manipulate peoples and rigged community votes. I think he really mousEtopher and now I think he Lightbringer-!"  Nothing but you starting things and never finishing them (what was that league again?).  Constant negativity toward those who are actually accomplishing things.  Talk, talk, talk and no action and always a petty excuse for not following through with anything.  Who are you to criticize when you don't even have it in you to make these changes yourself?

This whole idea that I'm "stealing" some idea from Duda is ridiculous.  And even if you see a similarity in it, why the hell would it matter?  I think what Duda is doing is awesome and I'm glad to see him doing it.  Duda had no influence on this event at all.  Your accusations are just childish. 

5 / Re: Fastlane Friday
« on: August 13, 2021, 05:29:08 PM »
Today is the Fastlane Friday event! Be sure to join channel Fastlane on the  War2RU server between 6pm - 10pm to participate.

6 / Re: Fastlane Friday
« on: August 12, 2021, 12:31:24 PM »
Just wanted to follow up with a reminder that this event will take place tomorrow, August 13th at 6pm EST.

7 / Re: Twitch on Facebook Update
« on: August 12, 2021, 12:30:19 PM »
You can add 2ez4me2win.

I started as well, add dudakurten

Awesome.  Thank you.  Both have been added to the streamers list.

8 / Re: Warcraft II: Combat Edition Youtube
« on: August 09, 2021, 06:07:41 PM »
So I'm rebooting the War2Combat Youtube with a fresh new channel.  I will be adding videos gradually.  If anyone has any videos that they would like to have added to this channel, please contact me. 

I already created youtube channel for war2combat/war2ru channel. Plan to make it for any language we have. The main language will be english.
There was an idea that channel will belong to me (same as other war2ru resources) so it should be the same trusted as site, server and forum.
The problem is I have no time for it. I uploaded 2 sample videos only.

Here's it:
Let me know if you are interested, I'll add you as the channel owner. We need a team (2-5 people) who will be ready to pay attention to the channel to begin making it popular.

Would like to help uploading some chop replays if u let me.
u can dw here.

Would like to help uploading some chop replays if u let me.
u can dw here.

Thanks. I will work on getting these uploaded.

9 / Re: Fastlane Friday
« on: August 09, 2021, 09:49:05 AM »
I’ll join it I guess. Make a boy in the channel to advertise maybe?

Having trouble getting Stealthbot set up right now and I really haven't had the time to try to work it out.  Maybe someone could assist and throw a bot in the channel to advertise?

10 / Re: Fastlane Friday
« on: August 09, 2021, 06:37:06 AM »
Every one will play only gow or chop still.
Cuz its their "favorite" maps anyways )))))

Which is fine.  But I'm going to be playing something else. 

11 / Fastlane Friday
« on: August 08, 2021, 11:05:13 PM »

Calling all Warcraft II players old and new! Tired of logging on to the server and seeing nothing but GOW? Tired of being booted/banned from games?

Join us from 6pm - 10pm EST on 8/13/21 in channel Fastlane on the war2ru server to meet up and play your favorite maps. Current, old, and new players are welcome to participate in this non-competitive event. In general, we're just going to get together and have some fun.

12 / Re: Twitch on Facebook Update
« on: August 08, 2021, 06:01:20 PM »
Knitterhemd has been added to the streamers list.

13 / Re: Twitch on Facebook Update
« on: August 06, 2021, 09:13:31 AM »
SuperNinTaylor has been added to the streamers list.

14 / Re: Twitch on Facebook Update
« on: August 06, 2021, 06:49:03 AM »
Anyone interested in live streaming on Facebook from time to time as well?  I don’t know how to set up to simultaneously stream on Twitch and Facebook at the same time yet.  However, I do believe streaming live on Facebook would draw in a much larger audience on your stream.  PM me and I can help you get set up.

I came across that recently.  The only thing is that it looks like you may only be able to stream to Facebook pages and groups with just the paid plan.  I'd have to check it out to confirm.  However, if anyone is willing to pay that $16 a month, go for it.

15 / Re: Twitch on Facebook Update
« on: August 05, 2021, 10:23:46 PM »
Anyone interested in live streaming on Facebook from time to time as well?  I don’t know how to set up to simultaneously stream on Twitch and Facebook at the same time yet.  However, I do believe streaming live on Facebook would draw in a much larger audience on your stream.  PM me and I can help you get set up.

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