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Messages - DeluxeFlame

Pages: [1]
That does sound similar to what I remember seeing in the past. However, my googling is coming up dry, every page I go to just talk about it in patch notes. How do I access/activate the violent/aie maps?

If anyone is still here, I remember there being AI's that were programmed better and smarter. I don't know if it was a mod or certain PUDs.
Do they still exist?

3 / Re: Applying Custom unit properties into games?
« on: March 03, 2015, 02:37:45 PM »
Oh map settings the game type. Turns out we had to change player properties into computers. Thanks Claw.

(hah just saw your post defining what I figured out, thanks!)

4 / Re: Applying Custom unit properties into games?
« on: March 03, 2015, 02:25:47 PM »
hmm, I tried using map settings.
We are trying to play against computers. Is melee the only option with computers?
Top vs. bottom doesn't have them.

5 / Applying Custom unit properties into games?[Solved]
« on: March 03, 2015, 02:16:26 PM »
Hey, my brother and I were trying to goof around with some nostalgic wc2. I set the unit properties and uncheck the use default in the map editor.
Then when creating the game on bne the unit properties don't stick (is it because we are playing in game type melee?) But it will work in custom scenario one player off of bne.

EDIT: Thanks CLAW, turns out we had to set up player properties as computers and use the game type 'use map default' to get what we wanted.

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