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Messages - turtleman

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im hoping blizzard has eventual plans to add some multiplayer features to the remastered version of the game

otherwise i wonder how hard it'd be to rebuild this version with the changes?

hey knitter nice to see you, yes it's me!

so here's the thing and why i'm wondering about this tournament. It's coming up this saturday, I've got a youtube channel about warcraft 2 and I want to promote the tournament

If I make a video, post it on all of the blizzard subreddits and get let's say 20k people to see the headline, let's say a few hundred of those people actually take the time to watch the video,
and then I say "hey guys, there's a free tournament this saturday where 9 grizzled veterans are going to beat the shit out of everyone on the same map and resourcecs they've been playing for the last 30 years, why not join?"

vs "hey guys, download this free game for a good chance of winning 50 bucks randomly just for signing up and having a good time on all of these cool maps and resources where you might have a fighting chance"

why not limit the random prizes to the amount of participants. So let's say you guys are expecting like what, 30~ people to join? Let's say we manage to market the tournament to people outside of the community and pull in another 60 players so now we've got 90 players - how many random prizes? maybe we have 2 random prizes for the first 30 players, and one more random prize for each additional 10 participants?

Either way, if I knew that I could make a video simply saying "sign up to win a piece of the $1000 prize pool with random participation rewards of $50 I can work with that. I'll promote it either way but if we want to bring new players into the game we need to market it to them, the guys already playing dont need marketing.

awesdome thanks for the link!

I think a lot of people would spend an hour downloading/playing a game for a 3% chance of winning 50 bucks assuming we get ~300 people interested and half the pool split into $50 random prizes

We could even do categories like dumbest name, most embarassing loss, worst player of the tournament, etc - I'm not saying have a noob tournament, im saying let noobs join the tournament.

We don't restrict people from playing.
All players are allowed to play and are encouraged to play.
As Harry mentioned we have done lower tier tournaments in the past but our community is too small at this point in time.

nice job hosting the tournament
I don't think yiou guys are understanding what I'm trying to say

Again, I never suggested having a separate tournament for noobs, im only suggesting you redistribute the prize pool so that there is an incentive for people to play in it by giving out random prizes

So instead of #1 - 600, #2 - 300, #3 - 100
It'd be something like #1 - 300, #2 - 200, #3 - 100, and then 10 other people randomly win $50
That way, more people will show up and play because they know they have a chance at winning something

And if you change the map pool to have a variety of interesting maps, again, more people will show up to play.

If your goal is to build the community, then IMO this approach makes a lot more sense. Worst case scenario, no new players show up and the money is more evenly dispersed among the existing community. But I doubt the prospect of winning 600 bucks vs 300 bucks for the top spot is going to stop anyone from competing


Not sure if you can see. It’s public but look on challenge for dudakurten. There are dozens of tours with rule in each one there.

thanks duda, nice job supporting the community!

you sure its most recent version?
you dl last version here from loader

Yeah when I run that, I get "Windows protected your PC
Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk."

Thanks I appreciate the feedback. I was messing around with screen shake/zoom a bit and ended up uploading one video that had some rogue keyframes but i figured whatever - think moving forward i'm probably just gonna keep it simple

8 / Re: Warcraft 2 High Level Commentary - Pro Games
« on: March 24, 2025, 09:54:45 PM »

I think a lot of people would spend an hour downloading/playing a game for a 3% chance of winning 50 bucks assuming we get ~300 people interested and half the pool split into $50 random prizes

We could even do categories like dumbest name, most embarassing loss, worst player of the tournament, etc - I'm not saying have a noob tournament, im saying let noobs join the tournament.

10 / Re: Who are the top players of the last ~10 years?
« on: March 24, 2025, 06:31:22 PM »

thanks, i found it.. there's no link to the tournament though... to sign up?

12 / Re: Warcraft 2 High Level Commentary - Pro Games
« on: March 24, 2025, 05:59:47 PM »
yeah if you guys could start recording games using insight that'd be helpful - i can't really commentate a game when i can only see one players' perspective

Hey guys I got a few questions
I was thinking of doing the same thing but since you're already doing this, why not do it in a way that's going to attract new players to the game? How many people can join and where do you sign up?

Instead of giving the money to the top 3 , why not give 50% to the top 3 and 50% randomly to new players that sign up and play in the tournament? I just started a youtube channel a few weeks ago and it's gaining a bit of traction, i could push this to a lot of people and probably drum up some interest Like 10 random $50 prizes.

Also why not do a map format that'll make for interesting content - old/ef i mean you're basically limiting the players that have a chance of winning to like 5 players. I was thinking one way in one way out to start (get the first few rounds done early) maybe nwtr followed by FOC/low or something.. I mean, it's your tournament but I just figured it could be a good opportunity to push the game hard.

14 / Re: Warcraft 2 High Level Commentary - Pro Games
« on: March 23, 2025, 08:27:39 PM »

the program is safe and its been used for over 6 years. Also, are you installing war2Combat v5.0 ? this one i read recently that is built up in a different way that stops giving this false virus alarm
I realize that it's safe but windows doesn't trust it.. and the most recent version

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