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Messages - {Lance}

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1 / Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« on: November 17, 2024, 02:33:18 PM »
It was never a MOBA its map editor and hero system allowed for the MOBA to be a thing wc3 itself isn't a MOBA its a RTS with RPG elements

Earth to retard,  the very definition of a MOBA is literally:  An RPG with RTS elements.

Or you could say it the other way around but it means literally the same thing.  In both cases,  it means it's NOT an RTS,  but is instead a MOBA.  War3 was released before it's own genre was known.  Blizzard set out to create something totally different from War2 and they succeeded in doing just that,  they created an entirely new genre called Moba without even realizing it.  Trying to compare it as an RTS on the level of SC or War2 is like trying to compare Tom Brady to your HS QB that was just pulled out of the crowd and has never played a snap their entire life and then saying they are better than the GOAT.  It's a joke,  War3 is not even in the same universe as SC nor War2.

Now, if you want to compare SC or SC2 to War2,  then that is a debate that could actually hold water since all 3 of them actually are RTS games.  However the grid system makes war2 shine as the better RTS IMO.

Quote from: Dudakurten on Today at 03:17:47 AM
However if you play another maps this became less important

Erm,  no it doesn't.

Thanks for agree with me.


However if you play another maps this became less important

Erm,  no it doesn't.  It's a problem on ALL maps.  It doesnt affect just gow lol.  HSC, FOC, maze, AYN, they all have the same exact problem.  A maphack is a maphack is a maphack.  Fixed order is essentially a maphack in a different form and it's affect doesn't get mitigated simply because you change maps.

In fact it gets WORSE because  most people won't know the map which gives those that DO know the map fixed order positions a MAJOR advantage.  That advantage is lessened the more people know the map.  Your answer to use a different map is like a "I'm going to say I'm an idiot without actually saying I'm an idiot" type of answer lol.

The only map not affected by this are the tiny 2-4player maps such as NWTR, xmarks, etc where people would know where you are anyway by way of map design.  And those are ALWAYS gimmick maps.  NWTR included and thus boring.

The other problem is that this version also suffers from level hacks, spell hacks, building hacks, and maphacks because all the data is still client side rather than server side.  Anyone with a memory altering app can hack this to pieces.  The old DOS version hacks all work on this version with a few location changes.

Dellam would feel right at home with this one, especially since there is no build in screenshot, recording, or banning player capabilities.  In its current state, it's only designed for campaign play.

For those that arent aware,  there's another maphack'ish bug in the remastered version.  Fixed order.  In a 2v2,  the spots will be 4/5/6/8  with each player getting a random spot.  So if you're 4/6,  you know the other 2 are 5/8.  It's rather retarded.  So the only "fair" game is a 4v4.  Brett pointed this out to me.  I hadnt noticed because most of the games I played were all 4v4.
Modify message

This is what a noob with 3 million followers looks like when playing War2 and having claimed to have played it before.  Dude says "Send him to the mine,  o wait,  thats not a mine thats a farm,  Im a fucking idiot".  I cant stand this assclown,  but he does have a lot of followers and a lot of people watched this stream.  It was rather humorous when he kept clickin on the otter and then it just spontaneously exploded.  The chat went apeshit.  The progression from complete pre-pre-noob to pre-noob just goes to show the campaigns truly did their job in teaching how the game economy and tech works.

6 / Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« on: November 16, 2024, 09:13:06 PM »
Why 17 times exactly? Well man I heard some criticism about its balance.

Still if we compare wc3 to older warcraft titles its better in everyway

Can't say much about comparing with SC as I didn't play SC1 or 2

1.  War3 was NEVER an "RTS".  It was a Moba that hadnt realized it was a Moba yet.  This is where DOTA came from (DOTA was originally a set of custom W3 maps) and then eventually League of Legends.
2.  It's resource cap was completely absurd
3.  It had no grid system (a requirement for anything with the word "strategy" in it,  see chess for proof of this concept)
4.  The graphics were horrendous compared to other games of it's time
5.  None of the units gelled well with each other
6.  There was no "strategy" to any of it.  It was mostly a level farming game at the very beginning.
7.  The game crashed way to much
8.  Starcraft 1 existed already and was much better
9.  Warcraft 2 existed already and was better than BOTH of them
10.  See #9 for the remaining 7 other items.

In otherwords,  war3 is a joke.  It's not even comparable to War2/SC because it's not even an RTS.

Just for you and it's never existed in multiplayer where you could see enemy units without needing to scout them ;)    I paid 15 bux for a game with a builtin maphack heh.

There is one plus I guess.  If you turn off fog,  you will eventually drop as you reveal players.  The more players you reveal with a scout, the more likely you are to drop and when you drop, the players you reveal become CPUs.  It's weird.  I tried watching with Fog off and as soon as I reveal everyone, they all turn into CPUs and then eventually the game just lags out.  So this pretty much renders fog off as a maphack as ineffective.  All it will do is get you dropped ;)

KHB,  add "Built in Maphack" to your list lmfao.  There's an option to disable fog and when you do, you can see enemies anywhere you've scouted.

9 / Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« on: November 13, 2024, 09:14:28 PM »

There is a built in Maphack.  You can go to "Options"  Disable Fog of War and any place you scout,  stays visible :(

Wasted 15 bux.

10 / Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« on: November 13, 2024, 05:21:50 PM »
You have to go into your maps folder from war 2 combat and copy the garden of war.pud into the new maps folder. Mine was c:\program files(x86)\Warcraft II Remastered\

c:\program files(x86)\Warcraft II Remastered\x86\Maps

Using GoW is also keeping the noobs out of our games.  They cant join it.

11 / Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« on: November 13, 2024, 04:10:53 PM »
Just put he map in the maps dir.

Another annoying thing,  no ladder or stats at all for players.

12 / Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« on: November 13, 2024, 03:36:02 PM »
There is no Screenshot capabilities that I've found either.  I've tried to take SS's,  but no SS dir shows up.  However, it does copy to clipboard, but thats useless.

I think there's a bug with people who enter and dont have the map (IE:  Original GoW).  It lets them enter, then immediately kicks them out.  It causes the game slots to F up and become stuck.

13 / Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« on: November 13, 2024, 03:28:21 PM »
Host cant ban users either :P

14 / Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« on: November 13, 2024, 02:39:35 PM »
Well here's what it has and doesnt have:

It's not a remaster of,  it's a remaster of the original DOS version.

Has no:
Chat lobby
No GoW (odd since it's a remake of the original)
No ally chat
No vis/unvis of opps or allies
No TvB
No Host controls (host cant set the teams)
No OBS mode (But neither original DOS nor BNET had those either)
No saving of games

Great graphics revamps
Greater unit selection counts
Original sounds
Ally vision
Fastest speed from BNE (Odd since original DOS didnt have that)

So basically no one know's who's which color (similar to the original where there was no allied vision).  Kinda cool I guess,  so you wont know which color is going to be good, etc unless you can decipher who is who based on just builds alone.  Overall,  I think they messed up by not remastering version and actually made the old version WORSE than the original.  The game play itself was identical,  but the scrolling was very slow and hard to manage.

I was able to play 1 game with u8 and 6 others,  after we wrecked the noobs,  the server went completely silent lol.  I put the original GoW map file in the maps dir,  it showed up, but IDK if it allows DL'ing of the map yet.  It appears the server broke as I cant host games to know if the GoW worked or not.

15 / Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« on: November 13, 2024, 02:20:03 PM »
Oh,  I figured out the issue.  There was a pending update already,  and my other updates were getting done before the war2 one.   The original GoW is missing :/  They only have the BNE version in the DL.

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