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Messages - Pandaprewmaster325

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Another thoughtful post today so I thought about some model editing what if we gonna give each hero a unique model ? Well here is what I came up with why am posting this here you ask? Cuz if it proves possible to edit models I would include that in the upcoming mod I will make inshallah 

So for the orc heroes:
dentarg model would be an ogre with some blue runes across his body to make him resemble more of his portrait

grom hellscream would lack a 2nd shoulder pad to make him look like his up to date appearance now if I remember right he has a shoulder pad on his left shoulder in wc3

Kargath would be hmmm lets see now I have seen edited models but replacing one of this guy hands with his axe? Well that will be interesting to see

Teron gorefiend ...Well if you look closely he is the only hero in the game with unique appearance his hood covering his face looks different to a normal death knight  its slightly smaller

Deathwing for this guy I think the most optimal thing would be just recoloring the whole of the dragon model to black

Human heroes:

Alleria would have a hood and a slightly visible blue rune covering a part of her face

Danath well I think just replacing the footman head with a head that looks like danath would do it may look awkward tho

Tyralyuon or whatever his name is I think there is 2 ways to go with this one either a normal knight with glowing eyes or replace the head with that of a one resembling tyralyuon I can't get his name right and don't even try to correct me on this

Khadgar is simple just slightly grey beard or the entirety of his beard is grey

Kurdian and skyree well the dwarf kurdian would have some blue runes on his cheeks maybe some blue runes across the gryphon skyree too that would do

And as a reminder to whoever is reading this I still haven't thought about a new bonus for the human transport ships.

Mods & Development / Re: Extremely basic questions from an extreme newbie.
« on: September 15, 2024, 08:05:44 AM »
So you are intending to make a mod too? What you planning exactly?

Mods & Development / Re: Extremely basic questions from an extreme newbie.
« on: September 14, 2024, 03:16:58 PM »
Some few other guys may have asked me for such a thing, which I planned to do long time ago and upload quite a couple of videos to Youtube, but the thing is that how many people are interested in.

I get so little support or feedback about of my mods that making a work for any of these video tutorials make me think how actually worthy is to do them.

either way, if ever being uploaded, they would be either in:


Look I know what you are talking about you don't want to get invested into something that may or may not be useful but the thing is in this world somewhere in the far reaches of the net somebody wants to mod wc2 but doesn't know how the only thing stopping him from doing so is cuz no tutorials so I say share the knowledge even if it means 1 or 2 get the knowledge you may not be the person with the most free time on their hands but it would be greatly appreciated by many people you said you got many requests as such people WANT the tutorials look I always had difficulty getting started in modding some games cuz no proper tutorials were made now that I know how to mod these games I don't want others to spend months of constant Pickering trying to figure out how to get to the data so I say DO IT man DO IT

Mods & Development / Re: Extremely basic questions from an extreme newbie.
« on: September 14, 2024, 02:37:59 PM »

1) About the attack speeds, i know how to do it but there's no tutorials for it by now. Dont know how many people may be interested on that.


May you be so kind to share such knowledge with the rest of the people? It would be valuable considering how obscure this game is.

Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: human edition
« on: September 11, 2024, 08:09:49 AM »
Yeah I simply got tired of playing black colored orcs for 12 missions straight I also  thought about tides of darkness campaigns with other orcs instead of only blackrocks and blacktooth grin , playing as all orc clans and alliance nations is a nice change of color and pace for example you could play as kul tiras in the battle of crestfall or gilneas in the assault on grim batol just a lot of cool possibilities.

Yeah well holy light in wc3 is both healing and exorcism in one spell but in wc2 they are separate while the paladin uses the light for his spells at least thats what I remember from lore (I can barely recite anything from Warcraft lore XD) if healing can damage undead I think that will hurt exorcism cuz if I can do both with a spell costing 1000 gold why would I even bother with exorcism that costs 2000 gold?

Im quite glad you working on more mods so keep up the work man.

Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: human edition
« on: September 10, 2024, 07:02:09 PM »
Been thinking about holy vision compared to eye of kilrog it doesn't do that good its not because cost or area it reveals its cuz it just reveals the map for 3 seconds now on lower speeds its fine but on higher speeds yeah no lol I played on you can say faster speed not the fastest but the 2nd fastest if that makes sense it simply proven to be too short of a time to even glimpse at the enemy forces I believe 6 seconds or 9 seconds instead of 3 would make it a lot better just making sense out of the enemy formations would be enough 6-9 seconds is enough time for recognizing everything on the sceen.

Someone in this vast universe may be thinking exorcism needs a mana cost reduction I would say yeah but think about it if paladins gonna be able to get mana twice the speed of ogre magi they can quickly fill up their mana pools and blast the living horrors with blinding holy light they can do it more reliably too , so I think reducing it to 3 mana per 1 hp combined with the planned buff for the paladin like yeah no too OP I believe

Strategy & Replays / Re: Clan specific bonuses
« on: September 08, 2024, 01:00:51 PM »
Got sick lately sadly no new ideas I could think of for warcraft 2 although I wanted to brainstorm some bonuses for the 6 orcish clans in beyond ze dark portal I feel like the shadowmoon clan would be more spellcaster centred much more spellcaster centred than the stormreavers , the laughing skull would have  some unusual gameplay idk something like peons with more sight or ability to steal enemy resources or even have camouflaged units on land , the warsong be one of the most aggressive clans what I envision is some early game momentum building with maybe faster to build barracks and the ability to buff nearby allies with "warsongs" hehe something like ze kodo beast from warcraft 3 , the shattered hand would be late game clan starting off weak (just like how they were enslaved orcs by ogres) and then ending up pretty solid in late game (akin to them overthrowing their ogre masters)  something about grunts with a bladed weapon instead of one of their hands would be necessary for the clan identity and gameplay , the thunderlords would be the naval clan of the horde of dreanor capable of overwhelming the enemy with floods of ships but not very strong on land , last but not least the bonechewers with the ability to self sustain and heal through eating enemy corpses I envision this clan to be very pushed towards constantly battling the enemy to get the most value out of their cannibalistic abilities.

Stay healthy guys.

Strategy & Replays / Re: Clan specific bonuses
« on: September 07, 2024, 12:27:54 PM »
Now if only there was some unique models for grunts , for example burning blade grunts would resemble the blademasters from warcraft 3 , the twilight hammer with pale looking grunts and peons , the bleeding hollow with tropical style armor , and the blacktooth grin with some extra armor on grunts but sprites are harder to work with than 3d models since u need to animate the unit for multiple angles idk how hard it is but definitely not easy would like to see more model creation for warcraft 2 things like footmen and knights with unique armor to their respective nation etc.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: September 06, 2024, 12:34:01 PM »
Back to politics again lol , have u heard? China pulled off this

Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: human edition
« on: September 06, 2024, 09:36:21 AM »
Also the beyond ze dark portal orc campaign is lacking in terms of heroes in missions I don't think anybody will say no to having grom hellscream in a couple more missions aside from gorefiend the orc heroes only show up in 1 or 2 missions , kargath could appear in the missions against kultiras  , dentarg in the alterac mage mission , and gorefiend for the blackrock spire rescuing dragons mission

Also orc heroes suffer from lack of healing so having all heroes orc and human alike get regeneration is good idea , age of empires 2 had a similar issue with heroes until the expansion pack came around (the conquerors) giving  heroes health regen made it much better experience allowing you to use heroes more freely without fear of losing them

Grom and kargath are the same so how about granting kargath some +10 health and 1 more attack while grom gets +2 attack  , human heroes are very different from each other and their appearance again and again throughout the campaign made it a much better campaign than the orc one in my opinion the assault on shadowmoon fortress lacked heroes but its mentioned that khadgar and tyrlaoyon (I messed his name up I know) have searched the ruins of the fort so having both replacing a knight and the starting mage will suffice  a lot of little changes could be made or additions to the campaigns that would make them a bit more interesting.

ALSO some more color variety would be cool playing as the warsong or shattered hand or even the bleeding hollow , and the bleeding hollow could get a bit harder they are supposed to be this legendary orcs in game they don't upgrade much I would say they gotta be on the same par as the warsong in terms of unit quality (the warsong gets lvl 4 units most of the time) however their attacks would rely more on grunts/trolls while the warsong would be more  ogre/catapult oriented.

Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: human edition
« on: September 06, 2024, 09:23:18 AM »
You know if its possible I could also expand the mod reach to not only balance but also campaign honestly the  tides of darkness campaigns could use some more fleshing out like make the town of hillsbrad look like an actual town same goes for stromgarde , stratholme , and the capital city

I did something similar to warcraft 3 after  7 months of continuous modding  of that game (I have made a mod for warcraft 3 it needs some final touches and its ready to be on hive workshop) some ideas im thinking of is making some missions harder like orc mission 2 with a lot more human soldiers around , hillsbrad with some walls roads and some arranged building placement

For stromgarde  if its possible to create custom units I could make some "elite guards" for stromgrade to make it a bit harder to take the city im thinking of yellow footmen since its possible to make units colored certain colors but not necessarily belong to a faction of that color (like gorefiend)

With larger attack waves  maybe double the size of the usual attack waves , and a huge garrison of defenders for places like hillsbrad , tol barad , dun algaz , etc 

Strategy & Replays / Re: Nation specific bonuses
« on: September 05, 2024, 02:12:49 PM »
you can check out source codes of my mods
Sure thing man I will look into it

Thanks for the help mate.

Strategy & Replays / Re: Nation specific bonuses
« on: September 05, 2024, 01:50:24 PM »
Also I won't really consider turning this into a custom map until I actually make the rebalancing mod which on its own might take quite sometime setting up the required material for work learning the ins and outs of war2 basic modding and testing all the changes one by one yeah that will take a good amount of time but I plan to make a post more of a blog about the development process of that mod which I will share everything step by step be kinda fun to archive your work

Strategy & Replays / Re: Nation specific bonuses
« on: September 05, 2024, 01:47:00 PM »
talk with @Mistral maybe he can help you

I appreciate your attempt for help.

Its not an emergent matter so its fine if I feel the need for help I would tag the qualified people myself.

Strategy & Replays / Re: Nation specific bonuses
« on: September 04, 2024, 07:00:28 PM »
nation bonus can be good only in campaign,  people want play orginal multiplayer balance

No mate , this will be a custom map not a campaign thing that will take ages to implement

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