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Messages - AA Eagle

Pages: [1]
AA Eagle checking in.
How are you kids/old folks from my AA clan doing?
perhaps set a time and date to play some archers?

2 / Re: Another "archers friends" dumbass - deadly
« on: August 01, 2024, 12:41:09 PM »
Well Well Well...

Yes this is AA Eagle lol.
slight correction to the Archers history.
I never put my name on Deadly's map and don't even remember playing the one with the diamond in the middle although it seems like a good idea.
Yes, I much preferred playing the red spot when I created the game although I did join games created by others.

Sooo, now 30 years have past!!!! OMG.
I have played a few archers games the past few days, My map with my name on it is still in play!
There are some awesome new players that have kicked my butt bad.

Drop me a message if any of you old AA clan members reads this.
All the best to you/us old folks.

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