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Messages - Justasheep

Pages: [1]
1 / Re: Streaming help
« on: April 30, 2021, 02:45:17 PM »
forgot the golden rule apparently... Do not argue with equinox. He will bring you to his level and overcome with experience xD

you are talking about me being a psychopath? again, not sure you know what that means. How about untreated accute bipolar disorder for a start... Im no doctor but I can tell when someone is off his meds...

you should take them.

2 / Re: Streaming help
« on: April 30, 2021, 12:13:24 PM »
I wonder how long it is gonna take for you to know who I really am! I've been around for much longer than the one crow xD

3 / Re: Streaming help
« on: April 30, 2021, 01:55:09 AM »
u8 din't try to help bara, he try to make him subliminal message  by talking about me.

U8 have never help no one in this community, never help a streamer, never host a tournament, nothing, he dont even play with the community, wake up ball sack eater. lol

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You know that subliminal messages aren't exactly that right? OF COURSE NOT! You don't even know what subliminal means... But that's ok... Being smart isn't a prerogative to be part of the community per say. Although I'd refrain using words you don't master okayyy :) makes you look even more stupid than usual if that's even possible.

U8 didn't start any of this, you did. Sure he said things you shouldn't do on a stream that you are actually doing but you can't get mad about him just because he says the truth.

He said be manner... Sure people like that!
He said people like war2 music... WHO DOESN'T!?!
He said don't ban people... Of course that's the spirit!

Your little mind wrapped around these words and turned them into insults towards your person and you decided to attack back :sweat:

And then I kind of jumped into the fray to entertain people around because it is really amazing to see all that delusion and paranoïa comming from a grown up adult like you and it inspires me so so much...

4 / Re: Streaming help
« on: April 29, 2021, 07:01:51 PM »
The thread is alright, EQ asked for help, U8 helped him, EQ started to shittalk.

It helps to understand why people watch U8 and don't watch EQ.

Actually I think you meant EQ started throwing poop like the chimpanzee he is :D  :poo:

5 / Re: Streaming help
« on: April 29, 2021, 06:57:45 PM »
This is gold for real ive never had so much viewers tonight, thanks everyone  :ok_hand:

And everyone was telling me, KenshyTV best war2 stream ever  :rofl:

Didn't know your mother had a twitch account! Good for you!

I've never someone as delusional as you. You really live in your own world. You know why after all the stupid things you say people come to your stream? Have you ever seen something so horrible you can't stop looking? You're just like a train wreck or a plane crash.

It's horrible and disgusting but you HAVE to look. Humans are made that way.

And nothing is funnier than a guy that doesn't know why he's funny!

Until now right? Because I think I just told you we are not laughing with you, we are laughing about you. I know it's subtle but that's the difference between a jester and an idiot. And you my friend, are the second one ;)

6 / Re: Streaming help
« on: April 28, 2021, 02:29:11 PM »
Equinox is cool, swinging in his boss-chair wearing a snapback like a true rapper, thug life.

All streamers are good, the more the better, even ouin-the-legend said he was streaming!
And CEL/Troglodyte got a nice stream, speaking with niko in Discord like good old friends.

Tried to read some EQ messages here though, got a headache, I wonder if I could catch some mental disorder just by reading them, I'll better get outta here.

And this SHEEP  :critter: guy is a smart one! Listen to him EQ and u'll get 500+ viewers.
To be fair, I also got a headache trying to read his last message. I think he means I'm someone he knows? no idea. :P

7 / Re: Streaming help
« on: April 28, 2021, 01:46:16 AM »
Dude... the way you speak tells me 2 things. The first one is that whatever pills you need, you're not taking them and second, you got something to prove. Do you know that nobody other than you care about who's the best?

Makes me wonder where in your life your narcism and your feeling of being the center of the world came from.

What happened between your ears that made this super old game played by dozens of people around the world the center of your universe? This game is so important to you that you can argue on the same thing for decades!  :sweat: . You know I recommended to u8 not to 1v1 you ever again? Here's why! It's a loose loose situation. Even though he would probably win most of the games, a win would only wake the baby inside of you and make you angry. You would surely accuse him of some sort of hacks again because that's the way you are. And on the other side, if by some miracle you win this, you would brag about it for decades to come and talk about THAT DAY you know?

There is no point in having a match. And I think, and this is just me, that he would actually do it even while aware of that loose loose situation. That's how fair play he is.

But you, for no real reason, except those your deranged brain came up with, won't even do it. That's how low you are.

Being jealous of U8 is all right. And understandable. He's more successful than you, he streams less, he's got more viewers, more support of any kind and he doesn't even speak nor show his face. That should be enough for you to know you are doing something wrong. The harsh way of putting it is that you are despicable, annoying and you say stupid things. Like very stupid. People whispers between each others while on your stream laughing at you. And I've seen it, I've been there. And hell, I laughed too xD

you were telling people that blizzard was run by lizzard people because of its name, B-lizzard.

You told us the CIA came in the chat of war2ru.

You told us someone threatened you by creating an account with the name John56. And you actually freaked out so bad that you changed your name for delete me now lol! All that because you were unveiling a monstrous giant zombie network using people's computers to do stuff.

You said Cel was a russian ai.  Dude... a russian ai are you nuts? You believe in lizzard people, in government conspiracies.


And then your repeated toddler tantrums turns every bits of respect we could have for you into pity.

But you know what they say... Arguing with a fool makes you even more foolish so I must be the kind of the fools to argue with you. Or is it just boredom again? Anyway, hope you enjoyed the text. Meditate and take your meds chimp ;)

8 / Re: Streaming help
« on: April 27, 2021, 02:19:24 PM »
Oh yeah... Dick contest started? I didn't get the memo! Mine's bigger. Just as a reminder: being number 1 on ru makes you the best out of 50 players. That would get you around diamond league on starcraft 2. Calling yourself a pro doesn't make you a pro. Even if your slave mommy think you are a pro, that doesn't make you a pro. Even if you believe it really really hard, still, doesn't make you a pro. That makes you average.

If you go with the pro that means professionnal then yeah you are a pro. A pro socially assisted, a pro lazy mofo and a pro poop thrower!

You don't make a living out of war2. You make a living having tax payers give you money. I've had people in my family that had cancer. One thing I learned from them is that they never used the cancer card as an excuse for being a total dickhead. Your sickness doesn't defines you. What you do defines you.

You got to think about it for a while. You get called retard for not using some keybinding software and you get so mad that you will never stop harrassing the guy for that?

You mad bro? XD

I'd assume you'd know what internet was at like 35 years old or something.

You know what happens when you raid someone on twitch? Viewers go from one channel to another. That would explain why Trog goes from 15 to 25. Now that this is explained, you can keep asking yourself why people would never help your racist ass.


From what I get, you are suprised having a majority of polish players on a russian server. Why dont you start a canadian server then? Everyone would be happy? And you won't need to complain?

I wonder why you get angry for seeing people speaking polish on a polish streamer's channel xD I've seen plenty french people talking on your chat and nobody ever said anything. That's why I said you were racist. Racism is also thinking there is only one way to see things and you are the most obtuse person I've seen so far.

9 / Re: Streaming help
« on: April 27, 2021, 12:27:18 AM »
I guess I'm defending u8 now... But that's just because he doesn't care about you anymore and also because I'm fucking bored right now and I would like to throw all your poop right back at ya you dirty chode. SO HERE IT GOES! I will even bold the important text for you.

You are right... He did went from 10 to 4 hours of streaming a day...  :rofl: I guess that's what happen when someone finds a job right? But what would you know about that?

You know the second biggest twitch stream of war 2 is Trogallart right? Channel that's been hosted every saturdays and sundays for as long as they've been on twitch  :sweat:

You want advices and tips for streaming too? Here's one.

You would get twice as many viewers/followers if you would turn off your fucking mic you idiot. Double that if you cut your cam! How about that?

You want to be like xqc go for it buddy! Don't ever stop believing! Soon, 100k people will be on your channel to watch you dingle on your chair like a maniac and justifying all your loss by calling hackers everyone that has bested your sorry ass.

And you tell me that you are streaming 16 to 24 hours a day just to make a point with u8? Does that feel sane to you?  :-X

So just drop it. Do your own thing all right? And stop throwing poop you fucking chimp  :poo:  :newthumbsup:

10 / Re: Streaming help
« on: April 25, 2021, 05:53:34 PM »
Always there to talk shit. What a worthless piece of crap you are xD  :poo: you loose followers as you breathe because you keep acting like a fucking child. I guess I'd be very frustrated too to spend an average of 16 hours a day on war2 and still loose followers. The thing is, that's not for you, tell your mom you failed because that's how bad YOU are man :salty: this topic was about a good question, everyone here answered to help and you my friend are just standing there alone throwing poop like a fucking chimpanzee.

Get another hobby or get a job but move on now because people are getting tired of your attitude.

Peace out girl scout I'm out!  :thumbsup:

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